Date | Type | Icon | Title | Title | Audience | topicslookup | species |
20241022 | Blog | blog | Ohio animal shelter has huge success with short-term holiday fostering |
Ohio animal shelter has huge success with short-term holiday fosteringOctober 22, 2024This post originally ran in 2017. With Thanksgiving approaching and other holidays to follow, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to reshare what Humane Society of Delaware County (HSDC) in Ohio learned about short-term fostering. What do you do when your shelter offers short-term “holiday” dog-fostering over Thanksgiving, and nearly half of those… |
e,f,p,s | topic1034,topic1004,, | |
20201013 | Blog | blog | Is your animal welfare organization looking to increase adoptions? This webcast recording may help! |
Is your animal welfare organization looking to increase adoptions? This webcast recording may help!October 13, 2020Want to increase adoptions? One way to do so may be thinking about what pets you aren't allowing to go home, and revisiting your policies. Is it time we start empowering adopters to take home pets with illnesses, injuries and behavioral problems to allow them to grow, heal and recover? Monica Frenden from Austin Pets… |
e,s | topic1034,, | |
20200311 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Create a Road Map for Your Cats |
Million Cat Challenge: Create a Road Map for Your CatsKate Hurley, DVM, MPVM, Co-founder, Million Cat Challenge and Director, Koret Shelter Medicine Program at UC Davis School of Veterinary MedicineMarch 11, 2020Life is a highway and the cats are taking over the fast lane. Isn't it time we created a road map? |
e,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1020,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20200305 | Blog | blog | Why shelters and rescue groups need to unstop the customer service bottleneck to save more lives |
Why shelters and rescue groups need to unstop the customer service bottleneck to save more livesMarch 5, 2020Customer service is a crucial component of pet adoption. Which is why we are rerunning this story from June 2017 on the very topic. Treating potential adopters with warmth and positive attitude can go a long way and will help increase lifesaving. As pet adoption increases in popularity and social cachet, and national campaigns like… |
e,f,s | topic1034,topic1046,topic1043,, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Managing Big Dogs: The New Horizon |
Managing Big Dogs: The New HorizonEllen Jefferson, DVM and Sheila Segurson, DVMApril 2020In this session you will gain a deeper understanding of lifesaving best practices and innovations to increase lifesaving for big dogs. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036, | dogs |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Behavior Dogs Alive! Solving Eight Common Behaviors that Happen in Shelters |
Behavior Dogs Alive! Solving Eight Common Behaviors that Happen in SheltersMike Kaviani and Regan GoinsApril 2020Learn practical and manageable solutions for common canine behaviors and increase your lifesaving immediately. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1013,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20200219 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Don't steal the cats! |
Million Cat Challenge: Don't steal the cats!POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEDue to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to postpone this webcast until further notice. We will publish the new webcast date as quickly as possible. For those of you who have already registered, you will not need to re-register and will receive an email once a new date has been set. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope you will stay tuned for updates on this page. |
f,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036, | cats |
20191027 | Article | article | Playing with Your Dog- Part One |
Playing with Your Dog- Part OneAugust 2019Who doesn't like to play? Dogs play because it's fun, but it also helps them to develop coordination, strength, and confidence. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191024 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2 |
Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Director of Animal Services Pima Animal Care Center, Tucson, Arizona & Sheila Segurson, DVM, DACVB, Director of Research, Maddie's FundOctober 24, 2019Part 2: The Challenges of Saving Medium and Large Dogs in Shelters. This webcast is the second in a two-part series but can be viewed on its own and will be useful to shelter leadership at all levels, volunteers, advocates and anyone else who struggles to save big dogs' lives. |
e,p,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1014,topic1015,topic1018,topic1033,topic1034,topic1048, | dogs |
20191024 | Article | article | What To Do If Your New Dog Is Aggressive |
What To Do If Your New Dog Is AggressiveAugust 2019Aggression is a form of communication. Keep pets and people safe by preventing aggression from occurring. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191024 | Article | article | What to Do if Your New Dog Won't Eat |
What to Do if Your New Dog Won't EatAugust 2019For the first day or two after arriving at a new home, a dog may not eat. Lack of appetite can have multiple causes, such as environmental change, stress, depression, illness, food allergy or a change in food. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1018,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191024 | Article | article | Why Train Your Dog? |
Why Train Your Dog?August 2019Training your dog to respond to cues establishes a common language that will help you communicate with your dog. Having a common language will make it easier for you both to bond. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 1 |
Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 1Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Director of Animal Services Pima Animal Care Center, Tucson, ArizonaOctober 23, 2019Part 1: What is the Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs? This webcast is the first in a two-part series but can be viewed on its own and will be useful to shelter leadership at all levels, volunteers, advocates and anyone else who struggles to save big dogs' lives. |
f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1045, | |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Say Please |
Teaching Your Dog to Say PleaseAugust 2019A dog who sits every time they want something (e.g. attention from people) is much easier to live with than a dog that hasn't learned to say please and jumps up or barks when they want something. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Settle |
Teaching Your Dog to SettleAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to settle down and be quiet when you cue them to "settle". With this cue, your dog can readjust their body but must stay lying down in one place. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Sit |
Teaching Your Dog to SitAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to put their rear end on the floor when asked to "sit". |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Touch |
Teaching Your Dog to TouchAugust 2019Goal: The cue "touch" (hand targeting) directs your dog to target your palm with their nose. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Walk on a Loose Leash |
Teaching Your Dog to Walk on a Loose LeashAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog how to change their stride to stay close to you on a loose leash without pulling. It will take time, patience, and consistency. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Dog - The Right Rewards |
Dog - The Right RewardsAugust 2019Reward-based training is humane, fun and helps you build a communication style with your dog. Reward based training also bonds your dog more closely to you and your family. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Ways To Train Your Dog |
Ways To Train Your DogAugust 2019The best way to train your dog is by using humane methods that focus on rewarding dogs for good behavior. Here are few ways to train without pain or fear. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | How to Handle the Leash |
How to Handle the LeashAugust 2019A leash is a great management and training aid for your dog. The leash keeps your dog safe, preventing your dog from running away from you and into traffic, chasing other dogs and small animals, and jumping on people. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1015,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Reducing Stress During Handling |
Reducing Stress During HandlingAugust 2019Some dogs might like to be petted, but get stressed when you try to brush them, clean their ears, and/or hold their paws. Be patient with your new dog and teach them how to feel safe around you. |
f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1015,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Reducing Your Dog's Stress |
Reducing Your Dog's StressAugust 2019Review Assessing Your Dog's Stress for behavioral and body language indicators of stress. You can help your dog by modifying the environment slightly and the way you and others behave around them to help them cope with stress. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1015,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Scent Games for Dogs |
Scent Games for DogsAugust 2019Dogs rely on their sense of smell to identify the world. Imagine how much fun you and your dog will have if you encourage your dog to find stuff you need or a game to keep them occupied. |
topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | ||
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog To Stay |
Teaching Your Dog To StayAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to remain in a sit, down or stand with the cue "stay." When and where to use "stay". |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called |
Teaching Your Dog to Come When CalledAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to come close to you when you give the cue "come." |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Down |
Teaching Your Dog to DownAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog lie down on the ground when you give the cue "down." |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Go to Bed or Mat |
Teaching Your Dog to Go to Bed or MatAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog how to go to their bed or mat and lie down. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Leave It |
Teaching Your Dog to Leave ItAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to ignore things you don't want them to have or pay attention to with the cue "leave it." |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191018 | Article | article | Introducing Your New Dog to Your Dogs |
Introducing Your New Dog to Your DogsAugust 2019Dog relationships are like people relationships. Some dogs will become playmates, others will enjoy the companionship of another dog and others just aren't interested in other dogs. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191018 | Article | article | Playing with Your Dog- Part Two |
Playing with Your Dog- Part TwoAugust 2019Playing is fun, but it can also relieve stress, provide exercise, teach self-control and instill confidence. Follow the tips below to encourage your dog to play. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1016,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191018 | Article | article | Preparing Your Home for a New Dog |
Preparing Your Home for a New DogAugust 2019Before bringing a dog home, prepare carefully. There's much to consider, including what rules to set for your new dog, what equipment you'll need and what questions to ask the shelter/rescue group, foster coordinator or your veterinarian. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191017 | Article | article | Introducing Your Dog to New Dogs |
Introducing Your Dog to New DogsAugust 2019Introductions between your new dog and unfamiliar dogs can be easy, but other times it may be challenging. The best results come from being slow and careful. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191017 | Article | article | Introducing Your New Dog to Cats |
Introducing Your New Dog to CatsAugust 2019Introducing a new dog to a resident cat can be challenging and should be done slowly and carefully. With time, many dogs and cats can learn to coexist peacefully, become playmates and even friends! |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1013,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191017 | Article | article | Introducing Your New Dog to People |
Introducing Your New Dog to PeopleAugust 2019If your dog enjoys meeting new people, follow the tips below to help those greetings be successful. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191011 | Article | article | Improving How Your Dog Responds to Cues |
Improving How Your Dog Responds to CuesAugust 2019Incorporate the 3 D's (distractions, distance and duration) into training each cue into a well trained behavior. Here are ways you can help your dog learn how to respond to cues the way you want them to! |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191009 | Article | article | Getting to Know Your New Dog - Part 1: Introductions to Your Home and Family |
Getting to Know Your New Dog - Part 1: Introductions to Your Home and FamilyAugust 2019Becoming a member of a new family, moving to a new home, and making new friends can be an exciting and memorable time for your dog, but it can also be stressful. Here are some tips to help ease the transition. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191009 | Article | article | Getting to Know Your New Dog - Part 2 Expanding Your New Dog's Horizons |
Getting to Know Your New Dog - Part 2 Expanding Your New Dog's HorizonsAugust 2019Once your new dog is comfortable with your home and family, you can begin to slowly introduce them to new people and environments. Always pay attention to your dog's body language, as new experiences can sometimes be stressful. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191009 | Article | article | Getting Your Dog's Attention |
Getting Your Dog's AttentionAugust 2019Teaching your dog to make eye contact with you is a great foundation behavior. If your dog is making eye contact and paying attention to you they are less likely to pull on leash, bark at people or dogs, or sniff and eat things off the ground. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1013,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191009 | Article | article | Helping Your Dog Adjust to a New Home |
Helping Your Dog Adjust to a New HomeAugust 2019Your new dog might need a few weeks to months to completely adjust to their new home, depending on the new environment and the dog's personality. This is normal - it's important for you to respond appropriately and help your new dog adjust. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1015,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20190917 | Article | article | Assessing Your Dog's Stress |
Assessing Your Dog's StressAugust 2019It's important to recognize signs of stress in your new dog as you get to know them. Some dogs will adjust to stressful situations more easily than others. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190917 | Article | article | Dog - Basic Training - Level 1 |
Dog - Basic Training - Level 1August 2019Basic Dog Training - Level 1 |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Appetite Issues in Cats |
Appetite Issues in CatsAugust 2019Reasons for a poor or no appetite in cats include stress, illness, and even just a preference for a tastier food. Changes in how your cat is fed, such as location or type of food or food bowl, can affect how much your cat will eat. Changes in environment or people/pets in the environment can also cause a cat to eat less or stop eating. Appetite issues can also be caused by a medical condition. A poor appetite for longer than a couple of days can lead to serious health issues, even if the initial cause was not due to a medical problem. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1011,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Appetite Issues in Dogs |
Appetite Issues in DogsAugust 2019Reasons for a poor or no appetite in dogs include stress, illness, and even just a preference for a tastier food. Changes in how your dog is fed, such as location or type of food or food bowl, can affect how much your dog will eat. Changes in environment or people/pets in the environment can also cause a dog to eat less or stop eating. Appetite issues can also be caused by a medical condition. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1011,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Bringing Your New Cat Home |
Bringing Your New Cat HomeAugust 2019Introducing a cat into a new home can be easy or extremely stressful. A cat's normal reaction to a new place can be to run and hide. Others are curious about the new home right away and want to explore as soon as they exit the carrier. If the cat is allowed to adapt to a new environment at her own speed, everything generally works out. Some cats take minutes or hours; other will take days, weeks, or even months to get comfortable. The length of time needed to adjust to a new territory will depend on the cat's temperament, past experiences, and whether there are other animals present. A normal adjustment period usually takes one to two weeks. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1017,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Cat Not Defecating |
Cat Not DefecatingAugust 2019If you don't find feces in the litter box there can be a few reasons, and we will help you trouble shoot. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Cat Not Urinating |
Cat Not UrinatingAugust 2019If you don't find urine in the litter box there can be a few reasons, and we will help you trouble shoot. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Cat Toys and Cat Play |
Cat Toys and Cat PlayAugust 2019There are a variety of cat toys on the market, including food and puzzle toys and toys that bounce, flutter, or move in a way that entices the cat to chase. The best toys for active play are string or wand toys that look like feathers or streamers or a toy dandling from a fishing pole. Even a peacock feather makes a great interactive toy due to its length. With timid cats it's best to stay away from large or noisy toys. Some cats are more attracted to things in the air while others prefer staying closer to the ground. Knowing whether your cat prefers air or ground play hunting will be an advantage, and you may have to try several different toys and rotate them frequently before you find the ones your cat likes best. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1016,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Coughing in Cats |
Coughing in CatsAugust 2019An occasional cough can be normal for a cat, actually helping clear the airway. If your cat's coughing is mild and there are no other symptoms such as nasal discharge or lethargy, monitoring him/her for the next couple of days may be all that is needed. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Coughing in Dogs |
Coughing in DogsAugust 2019An occasional cough can be normal for a dog, actually helping clear the airway. If your dog's coughing is infrequent and there are no other symptoms such as nasal discharge or lethargy, monitoring him/her for the next couple of days may be all that is needed. Keeping your dog separate from other dogs is recommended until a veterinarian gives the okay, since he/she may have a contagious upper respiratory infection. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Diarrhea in Cats |
Diarrhea in CatsAugust 2019Some soft stool or diarrhea in cats is common with dietary changes or the stress of adapting to a new environment. If your cat has had a small amount of diarrhea once or twice, and if no other symptoms are present (e.g., vomiting, lethargy, not eating) it is acceptable to be patient and continue to monitor him/her. Continued, frequent or large amounts of diarrhea can be a sign of something more serious and could lead to dehydration and weight loss. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Diarrhea in Dogs |
Diarrhea in DogsAugust 2019Some soft stool or diarrhea in dogs is common with dietary changes or the stress of adapting to a new environment. If your dog has had a small amount of diarrhea once or twice, and if no other symptoms are present (e.g., vomiting, lethargy, not eating) it is acceptable to be patient and continue to monitor him/her. Continued, frequent or large amounts of diarrhea can be a sign of something more serious and could lead to dehydration and weight loss. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Difficult or Labored Breathing in Cats |
Difficult or Labored Breathing in CatsAugust 2019Difficult or labored breathing is a very serious and potentially life threatening emergency that requires immediate medical attention. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1015,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Difficult or Labored Breathing in Dogs |
Difficult or Labored Breathing in DogsAugust 2019Difficult or labored breathing is a very serious and potentially life threatening emergency that requires immediate medical attention. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1015,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Dogs with Difficulty Urinating |
Dogs with Difficulty UrinatingAugust 2019Dogs that are having problems peeing often ask to go outside to use the bathroom more than normal. They are usually peeing small, frequent amounts, or they cannot pee at all. They might have pee accidents in the house. Straining to pee, no matter the amount of urine output, is never normal. Peeing should be a comfortable and effortless process, with a steady and adequate amount of urine. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Ear Problems in Cats |
Ear Problems in CatsAugust 2019Ear infections aren't common in cats as they are in dogs, but can be very frustrating when they are present. Cats with ear problems usually have ear mites and might scratch their ears, have smelly ears, and/or shake their heads. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Ear Problems in Dogs |
Ear Problems in DogsAugust 2019Ear problems are fairly common in dogs, especially dogs with floppy ears. Dogs with ear problems might scratch their ears, have smelly ears, and/or shake their heads. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Eye Discharge in Cats |
Eye Discharge in CatsAugust 2019Eye discharge in cats is a symptom rather than a disease itself, and has a variety of causes. Eye discharge may be clear and runny, or it may be green/yellow and thick. If your cat's symptoms are mild and he/she has a normal appetite and energy level, and does not have any other symptoms of illness, it is okay to monitor him/her for a few days. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Eye Discharge in Dogs |
Eye Discharge in DogsAugust 2019Eye discharge in dogs is a symptom rather than a disease itself, and has a variety of causes. Eye discharge may be clear and runny, or it may be green/yellow and thick. If your dog's symptoms are mild and he/she has a normal appetite and energy level, and does not have any other symptoms of illness, it is okay to monitor him/her for a few days. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Fleas in Cats |
Fleas in CatsAugust 2019Fleas are tiny, wingless, blood-sucking insects that live off the blood of their hosts. The fleas biting the skin can cause cats to scratch, bite, lick, and chew at themselves. Fleas can also cause an allergic reaction in some cats. They can become extremely itchy and start losing their fur and getting secondary bacterial infections on the skin (scabs and sores). Heavy flea infestation in cats can lead to death from anemia (blood loss). If your cat's gums are very pale, or if he/she is lethargic/weak, he/she may need emergency veterinary care. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Fleas in Dogs |
Fleas in DogsAugust 2019Fleas are tiny, wingless, blood-sucking insects that live off the blood of their hosts. The fleas biting the skin can cause dogs to scratch, bite, lick, and chew at themselves. Fleas can also cause an allergic reaction in some dogs. They can become extremely itchy and start losing their fur and are at risk for getting secondary bacterial infections on the skin (scabs and sores). Heavy flea infestation in dogs can lead to death from anemia (blood loss). If your dog's gums are very pale, or if he/she is lethargic/weak, he/she may need emergency veterinary care. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Inappropriate Elimination in Cats |
Inappropriate Elimination in CatsAugust 2019If your cat is urinating or defecating outside the litter box, we certainly understand your frustration. Luckily, this is a treatable condition in most cases. A medical exam, as well as a few simple changes can help to re-establish proper litter box use. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Intestinal Parasites in Cats |
Intestinal Parasites in CatsAugust 2019Intestinal parasites can cause diarrhea, weight loss, rough hair coat, and/or a pot-bellied appearance. Vomiting can also be seen, sometimes with worms in the vomit. Sometimes cats with intestinal parasites show no signs at all. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Intestinal Parasites in Dogs |
Intestinal Parasites in DogsAugust 2019Intestinal parasites can cause diarrhea, weight loss, rough hair coat, and/or a pot-bellied appearance. Vomiting can also be seen, sometimes with worms in the vomit. Sometimes dogs with intestinal parasites show no signs at all. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Lethargy in Cats |
Lethargy in CatsAugust 2019Lethargy is a common term for weakness and lack of energy. This is a vague description of a symptom, but it occurs often with many illnesses in cats. Lethargy can range from slight (e.g., not as playful as usual), to moderate (e.g., not interested in play, sleeping more than usual), to extreme (e.g., barely moving, difficulty holding head up). |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Lethargy in Dogs |
Lethargy in DogsAugust 2019Lethargy is a common term for lack of energy and weakness. This is a vague description of a symptom, but it occurs often with many illnesses in dogs. Lethargy can range from slight (e.g., not as playful as usual), to moderate (e.g., not interested in play, sleeping more than usual), to extreme (e.g., barely moving, difficulty holding head up). |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Limping in Cats |
Limping in CatsAugust 2019Limping (lameness) in cats can be subtle or very obvious. You may see your cat holding up his/her paw or hopping on three legs from time to time, or you may see your cat consistently not putting any weight on his/her paw at all. Severe lameness needs prompt veterinary attention, as your cat is likely very uncomfortable and in need of medication to relieve pain. Do not give your cat any pain medication without consulting with a veterinarian, as some medications are toxic to cats. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Limping in Dogs |
Limping in DogsAugust 2019Limping (lameness) in dogs can be subtle or very obvious. You may see your dog holding up his/her paw or hopping on three legs from time to time, or you may see your dog consistently not putting any weight on his/her paw at all. Severe lameness needs prompt veterinary attention, as your dog is likely very uncomfortable and in need of medication to relieve pain. Do not give your dog any pain medication without consulting with a veterinarian. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Litter Box Problems |
Litter Box ProblemsAugust 2019If your cat is urinating or defecating outside the litter box, we certainly understand your frustration. Luckily, this is a treatable condition in most cases. A medical exam, as well as a few simple changes can help to re-establish proper litter box use. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Litter Box Tips |
Litter Box TipsAugust 2019If your cat is urinating or defecating outside the litter box, we certainly understand your frustration. Luckily, this is a treatable condition in most cases. A medical exam, as well as a few simple changes can help to re-establish proper litter box use. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Recommended Reading for Cats |
Recommended Reading for CatsAugust 2019There are a variety of cat related books on the market, and it can be overwhelming to choose. This list provides you with reading recommendations, but it is not by any means a complete list. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Ringworm in Cats |
Ringworm in CatsAugust 2019Ringworm (dermatophytosis) is a common skin disorder in cats that is highly contagious to other pets and to people. Children and immunocompromised individuals (e.g. HIV/AIDS patients, cancer patients, patients on immunosuppressive medications) are especially susceptible to ringworm. This website addresses ringworm from a public health standpoint: CDC: Healthy Pets Healthy People: Ringworm |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Scratching Posts |
Scratching PostsAugust 2019Cats scratch on things for two reasons: to shed their claws and to mark their territory. To save your furniture from damage, you need to provide your cat with a scratching post or two and teach him how to use it. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1017,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Seizures in Cats |
Seizures in CatsAugust 2019Most seizures last one to two minutes and resolve on their own. If your cat has a seizure for more than two minutes, and/or if there is more than one seizure observed, your cat needs emergency veterinary care. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Seizures in Dogs |
Seizures in DogsAugust 2019Most seizures last one to two minutes and resolve on their own. If your dog has a seizure for more than two minutes, and/or if there is more than one seizure observed, your dog needs emergency veterinary care. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Sneezing and Nasal Discharge in Cats |
Sneezing and Nasal Discharge in CatsAugust 2019If your cat's sneezing and/or nasal discharge is mild and he/she has a normal appetite and energy level, it is okay to monitor him/her for the first couple of days. Keeping your cat separate from other cats is recommended until a veterinarian gives the okay, since he/she may have a contagious upper respiratory infection. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Sneezing and Nasal Discharge in Dogs |
Sneezing and Nasal Discharge in DogsAugust 2019If your dog's sneezing and/or nasal discharge is mild and he/she has a normal appetite and energy level, it is okay to monitor him/her for the first couple of days. Keeping your dog separate from other dogs is recommended until a veterinarian gives the okay, since he/she may have a contagious upper respiratory infection. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190822 | Article | article | Straining to Pee in Cats |
Straining to Pee in CatsAugust 2019Cats that are having problems peeing are often seen going in and out of the litter box more than normal. They are usually peeing small, frequent amounts, or they cannot pee at all. They might pee outside of the litter box. Straining to pee, no matter the amount of urine output, is never normal. Peeing should be a comfortable and effortless process, with a steady and adequate amount of urine. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Urine Marking in Cats |
Urine Marking in CatsAugust 2019If your cat is urinating outside the litter box, we certainly understand your frustration. Luckily, this is a treatable condition in most cases. A medical exam, as well as a few simple changes can help to re-establish proper litter box use. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Vomiting in Cats |
Vomiting in CatsAugust 2019For some cats, an occasional, isolated episode of vomiting can be nothing to worry about. If your cat does not have any other signs of illness (e.g., fever, lethargy, not eating), it is best to be patient and continue to monitor your cat. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Vomiting in Dogs |
Vomiting in DogsAugust 2019For some dogs, an occasional, isolated episode of vomiting can be nothing to worry about. If your dog does not have any other signs of illness (e,g, fever, lethargy, not eating), it is best to be patient and continue to monitor your dog. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190808 | Blog | blog | Yes, you can ensure transparency while keeping marketing and adoption counseling separate |
Yes, you can ensure transparency while keeping marketing and adoption counseling separateAugust 8, 2019The following post is written by Kelly Duer, Maddie’s Fund® Foster Care Specialist, and Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Director of Animal Services at Pima Animal Control Center in Tucson, AZ. In the 3 years since Kristen's original article describing the difference between marketing and adoption counseling, we've seen progress toward the goal, but some questions remain. This… |
e,f,s | topic1034, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Win-Win: Building Shelter & Private Veterinarian Collaborations |
Win-Win: Building Shelter & Private Veterinarian CollaborationsKatie Broaddus, DVM, CAWA, Chief Operations Officer, Austin Humane SocietyJuly 2019This workshop helps viewers better understand and address the perspectives of shelters and private practice veterinarians. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1020,topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1037,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Beyond Just Kittens: Strategic & Creative Use of Foster Care |
Beyond Just Kittens: Strategic & Creative Use of Foster CareErin Doyle, DVM, DABVP, Senior Director of Shelter Medicine, ASPCAJuly 2019In this workshop, the presenter reviews the basics of maintaining an organized, proactive foster network and then delve into examples of how organizations are using foster care in thoughtful and creative ways. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1011,topic1014,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Capacity for Care & Population Management |
Capacity for Care & Population ManagementLena DeTar, DVM, DACVPM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice), Clinical Assistant Professor of Shelter Medicine, Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program, Cornell University College of Veterinary MedicineJuly 2019In this workshop you will learn how to maximize your potential as a life-saving organization by understanding your limits and expanding your expectations. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190606 | Blog | blog | Just say no to the ‘conventional wisdom’: Sherri Franklin’s Aha! journey saving senior dogs |
Just say no to the ‘conventional wisdom’: Sherri Franklin’s Aha! journey saving senior dogsJune 6, 2019Mayor London Breed just proclaimed June 6th as Adopt a Senior Pet Day in San Francisco, CA. In honor of this special day, we’re sharing this interview by Muttville Senior Dog Rescue’s own Sherri Franklin. This post was originally shared on August 9, 2016. Of course, the wisdom still applies today. We hope that senior… |
f,s | topic1034,topic1021,topic1004,topic1007,,, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Turbocharging Pet Adoptions |
Turbocharging Pet AdoptionsSue Cosby, Senior Director, Best Friends Animal SocietyMay 2019When it comes to our adoption process, we want to keep our animals safe and we want our adopters to tell their friends about the wonderful experience they had growing their family at our shelter. How do we know this is really working? |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1010,topic1020,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20190515 | Webcast | webcast | A Playbook Approach to Saving Lives in Animal Shelters |
A Playbook Approach to Saving Lives in Animal SheltersDr. Sara PizanoWednesday, May 15, 2019In this webcast. Dr. Sara Pizano will walk you through the steps each shelter, whether public or private and regardless of resources, can take to help and save more cats and dogs. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1039,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Bottle Baby 101 (Part 1 of 2) |
Bottle Baby 101 (Part 1 of 2)Casandra Mensing, Neonatal Ward Manager, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019This presentation will teach you how to start a volunteer-run bottle baby nursery and how to build it to become to be one of the most engaging and lifesaving programs in your community. |
s,v | topic3,topic25,topic30,topic37,topic47,topic50,topic95,topic57,topic83,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Cat Medical Care on a Shoestring Budget |
Cat Medical Care on a Shoestring BudgetMonica Frenden, Maddie's® Director of Feline Lifesaving, American Pets Alive! and Dr. Alexis Bardzinski, Medical Director, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019In this session, you will have the chance to learn how to save cats with medical conditions on a tight budget from national leading cat experts. |
s,v | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1008,topic1009,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1036,topic1044,topic1047, | cats |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Distemper is Not a Death Sentence |
Distemper is Not a Death SentenceDr. Nipuni Ratnayaka, Dr. Ellen Jefferson and Jordana MoerbeMarch 2019Join this session to learn about the process that Austin Pets Alive! developed to combat distemper without hoarding or culling them. |
s,v | topic1,topic4,topic25,topic28,topic37,topic41,topic57,topic58,topic61,topic80,topic84,topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | FeLV: What You Need to Know for Shelter Decision Making |
FeLV: What You Need to Know for Shelter Decision MakingJulie Levy, DVM, Monica Frenden and Natascha HammanMarch 2019Come learn from shelter medicine expert, Dr. Levy, and leading cat advocates Monica Frenden and Natascha Hamman about the most current research and best practices for rehoming this vulnerable FeLV cat population. |
v | topic4,topic25,topic28,topic41,topic58,topic69,topic83,topic84,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Solutions for the Top Five Reasons Dogs are Dying in Shelters |
Solutions for the Top Five Reasons Dogs are Dying in SheltersMike Kaviani, Director, Orange County Animal Care and Aaron Caldwell, Dog Behavior Co-Manager, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019The presentation will provide you with practical and manageable solutions for the top five reasons dogs are dying and being killed in shelters today. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1008,topic1011,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1039,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1048, | dogs |
20190501 | Presentation | presentation | Why Are Big Dogs So Hard to Save? Identifying and Maintaining Adequate Capacity |
Why Are Big Dogs So Hard to Save? Identifying and Maintaining Adequate CapacityEllen Jefferson, DVM Executive Director, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019Learn about the essential programs, best practices, and core philosophies needed to start saving big dogs in your communities. |
e,s | topic3,topic5,topic12,topic15,topic37,topic86,topic90,topic97,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1036,topic1044,topic1036,topic1044, | dogs |
20190430 | Presentation | presentation | Transport Programs: Get Pets to Safety |
Transport Programs: Get Pets to SafetyClare Callison, Canine Lifesaving Advisor, Maddie's® Lifesaving AcademyMarch 2019Hear how your average "Texas brown dogs" are making a big splash in places as far as Oregon, Connecticut, and even Italy! |
e,s | topic2,topic15,topic16,topic24,topic50,topic86,topic1033,topic1033,topic1037,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1040,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042, | |
20190429 | Presentation | presentation | Contagious Diseases: Euthanasia is Not the Answer |
Contagious Diseases: Euthanasia is Not the AnswerAlexis Bardzinski, DVM Medical Director, Austin Pets Alive! and Jennifer Wilcox, DVM Director of Vet Services, Pima Animal Care CenterMarch 2019In this session, two veterinary experts will discuss how to handle disease outbreaks medically, handle the PR, and handle the operations that must continue. |
e,s,v | topic25,topic28,topic37,topic41,topic57,topic79,topic83,topic86,topic95,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20190429 | Presentation | presentation | Dog Medical Care on a Shoestring Budget |
Dog Medical Care on a Shoestring BudgetAlexis Bardzinski, Medical Director, Austin Pets Alive! and Jennifer Wilcox, DVM Director of Vet Services, Pima Animal Care CenterMarch 2019How to spend the least amount of money as possible so that your medical resources can be spread among all those pets that need you. |
e,s,v | topic25,topic28,topic37,topic41,topic48,topic57,topic86,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042, | |
20190415 | Presentation | presentation | Keynote: The Transparent Shelter, Building Trust with Your Community |
Keynote: The Transparent Shelter, Building Trust with Your CommunityKristen Auerbach, Director of Pima Animal Care CenterMarch 2019In this session, no-kill leader, Kristen Auerbach, will tackle two separate but important topics in order for you to be one with your community. |
e,s | topic8,topic12,topic37,topic42,topic86,topic53,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042, | |
20190328 | Blog | blog | The Get ’em Home Challenge winners are here! |
The Get ’em Home Challenge winners are here!March 28, 2019Yesterday we announced the winners of the Get 'em Home Challenge. (If you missed the announcement, you can watch the recording.) Thanks to your unwavering support for the animals, over 16,000 dogs and cats found new homes! "We couldn't be happier with this outcome. The Challenge brought together 109 organizations from nearly every region of… |
e,f,s | topic1034, | |
20190327 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Fighting Fungus with Facts |
Million Cat Challenge: Fighting Fungus with FactsLaura Mullen, Shelter Medicine Outreach Manager, SFSPCA San Francisco, CaliforniaWednesday, March 27, 2019This webinar outlines research-based protocols that are in use at the San Francisco SPCA and examine how those same concepts apply to a variety of different shelters and rescues. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044,topic1047, | cats |
20190322 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Pop-up kitten café comes to D.C. |
#FeelGoodFriday: Pop-up kitten café comes to D.C.March 22, 2019A temporary kitten café recently opened in Washington, D.C. with the goal of providing relief to animal shelters during kitten season. The Kitten Lounge was created by Kanchan Singh, who also owns Crumbs & Whiskers, a cat café in Los Angeles and D.C. "Once we opened our cat café, people were asking us for kittens… |
f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20190321 | Flash | flash | How to Check Foster Pets for Dehydration |
How to Check Foster Pets for DehydrationMarch 2019In this short class, you will learn how to assess for dehydration in foster pets |
f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20190320 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Foster Care On-Deck: Strategies to get kittens into foster homes quickly |
Million Cat Challenge: Foster Care On-Deck: Strategies to get kittens into foster homes quicklyErin Doyle, DVM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice) Senior Director, Shelter Medicine - ASPCAWednesday, March 20, 2019Learn how to get kittens and nursing queens out of the shelter and into foster homes as quickly as possible. |
e,s | topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044, | cats |
20190221 | Blog | blog | 14 animal welfare apprenticeship opportunities now open |
14 animal welfare apprenticeship opportunities now openFebruary 21, 2019Maddie's ® Apprenticeship Program is now accepting applications for 14 opportunities, including the brand new Maddie's® Volunteer Dog Handling Program Apprenticeship at Austin Pets Alive!. Improve your skills and expertise in volunteer engagement, medium and large dog fostering, ringworm care and more. There is an apprenticeship for everyone, and it includes a stipend to cover… |
f,s,v | topic1034,topic1037,,, | |
20190212 | Blog | blog | Congratulations to over 100 Innovation Grant recipients! |
Congratulations to over 100 Innovation Grant recipients!February 12, 2019It's safe to say there's no shortage of innovation in the animal welfare industry, as over 100 organizations across the country received an Innovation Grant during the October 2018 cycle. "People have really embraced this idea of thinking outside-the-box to save lives, and it's showing on their applications!" said Kelly Clardy, Senior Grants Specialist at… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1034, | |
20190121 | Blog | blog | #MaddieMonday: Furthering professional development, 2019 resolutions and more! |
#MaddieMonday: Furthering professional development, 2019 resolutions and more!January 21, 2019Happy #MaddieMonday! We’re less than two weeks away from the American Pets Alive! No Kill Conference in Austin and we can’t wait! Will we see you there? Further your professional development at the American Pets Alive! Conference! Can you believe it's almost here? The American Pets Alive! Conference 2019 takes place February 2 – 4 at the… |
e,s | topic1034, | |
20190117 | Video | video | Maddie Talk: Cat Town, Oakland CA |
Maddie Talk: Cat Town, Oakland CAJanuary 17, 2019
e,p,s | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic6,topic12,topic15,topic25,topic29,topic35,topic46,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic52,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1033,topic1034,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1020,topic1023,topic1048, | cats |
20190116 | Video | video | Hills, Hollers and Humane Officers |
Hills, Hollers and Humane OfficersChelsea Staley, Executive Director, Kanawha-Charleston Humane AssociationOctober 2018How a shelter in poverty-stricken Appalachia inspired change in the unlikeliest of places, and how you can, too. |
e,s | topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1042, | |
20190116 | Video | video | How to Help People Resolve Some Common Behavior Problems and Keep Their Pets |
How to Help People Resolve Some Common Behavior Problems and Keep Their PetsKelley Bollen, MS, CABC, Owner and Executive Director, Kelley Bollen ConsultingOctober 2018This talk reviews the most common behavior problems in dogs and cats and provides practical advice that can be shared with the pet owner to help keep pets in their homes. |
e,f,s | topic1004,topic1007,topic1020,topic1023,topic1024,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1046, | |
20181213 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Webcast Series: Let Them Go Home - Increasing Adoptions |
Lifesaving Webcast Series: Let Them Go Home - Increasing AdoptionsMonica FrendenThursday. December 13, 2018How many more lives could you save if instead of keeping animals in the shelter until they are 100% ready, they went home with adopters now - to grow up, heal from injury, or recover from illness? |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20181206 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Webcast Series: Accelerate your Lifesaving: How to go from 50 to 90 (Percent Live Release Rate) Really Fast |
Lifesaving Webcast Series: Accelerate your Lifesaving: How to go from 50 to 90 (Percent Live Release Rate) Really FastDr. Kim SandersThursday, December 6, 2018Learn how to implement lifesaving programs that will take your facility from a save rate of 50% to over 90% in a very short period of time. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1008,topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1048, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | Disease Prevention in the Shelter |
Disease Prevention in the ShelterLena DeTar, MS, DVM, DACVPM, DABVP, SMP Clinical Assistant Professor, Shelter Medicine, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine December 2018This lecture explores how shelter management, housing, enrichment, intake protocols and population flow can boost the health of shelter populations, decrease length of stay and improve adoptions. |
e,s,v | topic28,topic41,topic57,topic80,topic83,topic85,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | Feline Coronavirus and FIP: What's New? |
Feline Coronavirus and FIP: What's New?Dr. Elizabeth Berliner and Dr. Gary WhittakerDecember 2018This lecture focuses on updates and where we go from here in diagnosing and managing FIP. |
s,v | topic4,topic25,topic28,topic41,topic57,topic58,topic68,topic79,topic80,topic83,topic95,topic96,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | General Feline Infectious Diseases |
General Feline Infectious DiseasesChumkee Aziz, DVM, Senior Director, ASPCA Northern Tier Shelter Initiative December 2018This program provides an overview of common feline infectious diseases that remain persistent challenges for shelters. |
s,v | topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | Transports Make Me Nervous! |
Transports Make Me Nervous!Holly Putnam, DVM, Director of Operations and Outreach, Shelter Outreach Services, Ithaca NYDecember 2018This presentation discusses best practices of transport programs and other tips to help minimize risk, while maximizing lifesaving. |
s,v | topic2,topic15,topic16,topic32,topic33,topic42,topic50,topic83,topic90,topic91,topic92,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic1033,topic1033,topic1037,topic1033,topic1034,topic1024,topic1024,topic1024,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | What's Next? Improving Welfare in Your Community with Limited Resources |
What's Next? Improving Welfare in Your Community with Limited ResourcesCarolyn R. Brown and Jocelyn KesslerDecember 2018This workshop helps you to identify the needs of your community and discover how to maximize your resources and incorporate affordable and accessible preventive and basic veterinary care into your organization. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic12,topic36,topic42,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic51,topic52,topic57,topic83,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1044,topic1046,topic1024,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1020,topic1023,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1048, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | Zoonotic Diseases: It Goes Both Ways, Part 2 |
Zoonotic Diseases: It Goes Both Ways, Part 2Jeanette O'Quin, DVM, MPH, Clinical Assistant Professor, Shelter Medicine and Veterinary Public Health, Ohio State University College of Veterinary MedicineDecember 2018This presentation builds on the first hour of discussion on the prevention, recognition and management on zoonotic diseases that come into the shelter via animals or people. |
v | topic28,topic41,topic57,topic73,topic79,topic80,topic83,topic84,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, | |
20181203 | Blog | blog | Maddie Monthly: Our top stories of November |
Maddie Monthly: Our top stories of NovemberDecember 3, 2018Last month was a busy one (aren’t they all?), so we wanted to make sure you didn't miss some of the popular Chew on This blog posts from November. Here you go! Foster pet marketing guide Download, save, print or share our thorough foster marketing guide. This guide has everything a foster caregiver could possibly… |
f,p,s | topic1034,topic1043, | |
20181130 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: 3 homeless Saint Bernards get adopted together |
#FeelGoodFriday: 3 homeless Saint Bernards get adopted togetherNovember 30, 2018Does anyone have any vacuum recommendations? That's what the family who adopted three Saint Bernards in Canada would like to know. It was love at first sight for the family when an adoption plea for Gunther, Gasket and Goliath went viral. Due to their tight bond, the Edmonton Humane Society thought it was best for… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1034, | |
20181127 | Blog | blog | A trading post for shelter pet-helping ideas |
A trading post for shelter pet-helping ideasNovember 27, 2018Ever wish there was a place you could go to share your dog or cat wisdom with others? Or maybe you have an issue at your shelter or rescue organization and you'd like advice from someone who has been there before? Maddie's® Pet Forum is an excellent resource for organizations looking for encouragement and guidance.… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1034,topic1005,topic1043, | |
20181127 | Flash | flash | How to Weigh Your Foster Pet |
How to Weigh Your Foster PetNovember 2018In this short class you will learn how often you should weigh your foster pets, different methods of weighing your foster pets depending on their size, and when you should contact your foster manager about weight changes in your foster pet. |
f | topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20181127 | Flash | flash | Solving Litter Box Problems |
Solving Litter Box ProblemsNovember 2018In this class you will learn how to understand the various issues related to owner surrender of cats with a history of inappropriate litter box use, the various medical and behavioral causes of peeing and/or pooping outside the litter box, techniques to eliminate behavioral causes of not using the litter box, and how to facilitate a successful adoption of a cat with a history of inappropriate litter box use. |
f | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20181127 | Flash | flash | Choosing the Appropriate Walking Gear |
Choosing the Appropriate Walking GearNovember 2018In this class, you will learn the various different types of dog walking equipment, the pros and cons of each equipment, and what might be best for your foster dog. |
f,s | topic2,topic20,topic46,topic51,topic90,topic91,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20181127 | Flash | flash | Fear Free Pet Brushing |
Fear Free Pet BrushingNovember 2018In this short video, learn the best way to brush your dog or cat that makes the process fun and easy for both you and your foster pet. |
f,s | topic2,topic51,topic83,topic90,topic91,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1008,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20181127 | Flash | flash | Fear Free Ear Cleaning |
Fear Free Ear CleaningNovember 2018In this short video, learn techniques for helping your foster pet learn that ear treatments don't have to be a frightening and unpleasant experience. |
f,s | topic2,topic66,topic83,topic90,topic91,topic97,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20181127 | Flash | flash | How to Handle Leash Walking |
How to Handle Leash WalkingNovember 2018In this short class, learn the best tips for training your foster dog to walk properly on leash as well as a few other training scenarios leashes come in handy for. |
f,s | topic2,topic20,topic46,topic90,topic91,topic97,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20181127 | Flash | flash | Fear Free Eye Treatment |
Fear Free Eye TreatmentNovember 2018In this video, learn how to make these treatments more of a positive experience for your foster dog or cat and make the entire process less of a struggle for both you and your foster pet. |
f,s | topic2,topic13,topic46,topic51,topic83,topic90,topic91,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1008,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20181127 | Flash | flash | Fear Free Tooth Brushing |
Fear Free Tooth BrushingNovember 2018In this video, learn how you can gain your foster pets approval of teeth brushing as well as turn a potential negative experience into a positive one. |
f,s | topic2,topic12,topic46,topic51,topic83,topic97,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1008,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20181106 | Webcast | webcast | Maddie's Pet Assistant App Revolutionizing Support for Pet Foster and Adoptive Homes |
Maddie's Pet Assistant App Revolutionizing Support for Pet Foster and Adoptive HomesAmber FreiwaldTuesday, November 6, 2018Introducing Maddie's® Pet Assistant, a FREE app developed by Maddie's Fund® to follow up with adopters and foster caregivers once a pet is placed in their new permanent or temporary home. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20181101 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: 'Care To' Programs at the Winnipeg Humane Society |
Million Cat Challenge: 'Care To' Programs at the Winnipeg Humane SocietyVal PoultonThursday, November 1, 2018Learn how the Care to Adopt (for strays) and Care to Rehome (for owned cats) Programs help get cats into new homes without a shelter stay, and include low cost spay/neuter and vaccinations to those adopters. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20181025 | Blog | blog | You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to save more pets |
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to save more petsOctober 25, 2018It may feel a little like stealing. But when it comes to saving the lives of animals, borrowing ideas from other organizations is a great way to achieve your mission. "We are always stealing and polishing," says Sharon Harmon, CEO of the Oregon Humane Society (OHS) and Maddie Hero Award recipient. "We can all learn… |
e,f,p,s | topic1034,,, | |
20181025 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Albuquerque Case Studies Going Big With Community Cat Programs |
Million Cat Challenge: Albuquerque Case Studies Going Big With Community Cat ProgramsDesiree Triste-AragonThursday, October 25, 2018Learn how the Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department partnered with Petsmart Charities and Best Friends Animal Society to drastically reduce euthanasia and intake of cats and kittens coming into the shelter. Learn more about how the program works and how you can replicate it in your community. |
e,p,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1024,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1038,topic1039,topic1043, | cats |
20181016 | Blog | blog | How foster field trips saved a dog named Kathy |
How foster field trips saved a dog named KathyOctober 16, 2018Is there anything you haven’t tried to save your long-stay dogs who are getting kennel-stressed? Read Kathy’s story and see if what helped her will work for your dogs, too. As Kathy's stay at Louisville Metro Animal Services (LMAS) crept beyond 80 days, multiple signs of kennel stress began to appear: jumping, frantic barking at… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1034,, | |
20181012 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Nothin’ but purr love from kitty saved by shelter medicine |
#FeelGoodFriday: Nothin’ but purr love from kitty saved by shelter medicineOctober 12, 2018We have a saying: Pets are “rescued by love, and saved by shelter medicine.” No kitty illustrates that quite as well as Insta-famous cat Smush, who has been part of #FeelGoodFriday once before, when we shared her powerful (but tiny!) story. To recap: A tiny little kitten with a cleft palate came into a Florida… |
f,p,s | topic1034,, | |
20181011 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Believe in Saving Lives |
Million Cat Challenge: Believe in Saving LivesKaren SheppardThursday, October 11, 2018How changing communication approaches, implementing strong programs, and the power of belief all came together to save cats' lives in Huntsville's municipal shelter. |
e,s | topic1004,topic1007,topic1020,topic1023,topic1024,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1040,topic1044,topic1048, | cats |
20181005 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: When little girl meets shelter dog, it’s true love |
#FeelGoodFriday: When little girl meets shelter dog, it’s true loveOctober 5, 2018One tiny dog all alone in the shelter… and then a little girl in a tutu wanders by. It’s love. We mean true love. Fireworks, roses, confetti, tiny angels flying around — the whole thing. The best thing. The thing we want to see come true for every single homeless dog or cat (and lonely… |
f,p,s | topic1034,topic1043, | |
20181004 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Keeping Cats out of Shelters |
Million Cat Challenge: Keeping Cats out of SheltersMonica FrendenThursday, October 4, 2018Learn about how the PASS (Positive Alternatives to Shelter Surrender) diversion program keeps cats from ever entering shelters |
f,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20180927 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Managed Intake and Restructuring the Budget |
Million Cat Challenge: Managed Intake and Restructuring the BudgetMandy EvansThursday, September 27, 2018In this Webcast, Mandy Evans will cover two topics: A panleukopenia outbreak, and how managed intake, housing changes and partnering with the community made all the difference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1008,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20180920 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Yes, and.... |
Million Cat Challenge: Yes, and....Seth Montgomery and Natalie CorwinThursday, September 20, 2018Do you have 15 minutes to save more cats' lives? In this webcast, you'll discover how an open-admission municipal shelter and a nonprofit veterinary clinic worked together to lower cat intake at the shelter. |
e,f,s | topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20180920 | Article | article | Introducing a New Dog to Pocket Pets and/or Birds |
Introducing a New Dog to Pocket Pets and/or BirdsSeptember 2018Introducing a new dog to pocket pets and/or birds can be risky, and needs to be carefully planned and done slowly. |
f,p,s | topic2,topic12,topic17,topic20,topic46,topic51,topic90,topic91,topic92,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20180919 | Article | article | Feeding Your New Dog |
Feeding Your New DogSeptember 2018Nutrition and the food you choose to feed your dog will have a big impact on their overall health and energy. |
p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1016,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20180919 | Article | article | What Do I Need? Training and Walking Supplies for Your New Dog |
What Do I Need? Training and Walking Supplies for Your New DogAugust 2019Here are some basics that will help to be prepared for the best walks of your life with your new dog. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1016,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20180919 | Article | article | Housetraining - Building Healthy Elimination Habits |
Housetraining - Building Healthy Elimination HabitsAugust 1, 2019With a good plan, your new dog can quickly learn to use the outdoor bathroom area you establish. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20180919 | Article | article | Play and Toys - Your New Dog's First Few Days |
Play and Toys - Your New Dog's First Few DaysSeptember 2018Play is a great way to release stress and tension, and a dog occupied with toys or games will also be a dog that isn't chewing on your personal belongings and furniture. |
f,p,s | topic2,topic14,topic17,topic20,topic46,topic51,topic90,topic91,topic92,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20180914 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Soldier reunited with dog she rescued in Iraq |
#FeelGoodFriday: Soldier reunited with dog she rescued in IraqSeptember 14, 2018Who loves ya, baby? For this soldier, her husband and the dog she rescued in Iraq, the answer is clearly, “Everyone.” Not only did Sgt. Tracy McKithern greet her beloved dog, Erby, before greeting her husband, but her husband brought the dog to her and clearly had no other plan in mind. As for Erby,… |
f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20180913 | Webcast | webcast | Saving Cats: What Comes After a Million? |
Saving Cats: What Comes After a Million?Dr. Kate Hurley and Dr. Julie LevyThursday, September 13, 2018The intrepid co-founders of the Million Cat Challenge (MCC) dared to imagine reaching a tipping point for how cats are cared for in our shelters and communities, and reached their goal of saving 1 million cats a full year early. The Million Cat Challenge isn't done yet! |
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20180831 | Video | video | LifeLine Animal Project's Pets for Life Program |
LifeLine Animal Project's Pets for Life ProgramAugust 31, 2018
e,f,s | topic2,topic10,topic12,topic15,topic42,topic46,topic51,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic1038,topic1043,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1024,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20180830 | Blog | blog | How the Maddie’s Pet Assistant app helped this new adopter cope with a pooping puppy |
How the Maddie’s Pet Assistant app helped this new adopter cope with a pooping puppyAugust 30, 2018Tatiana Ware adopted Nigel, a 3-month-old puppy, from Valley Humane in Pleasanton, CA, during an adoption event. While Ware had lived with a dog before, she never had her own dog, let alone a puppy, so the potty training process was new for her. It was smooth sailing until Nigel decided to poop behind the… |
e,f,s | topic1034, | |
20180816 | Webcast | webcast | Join the #GetEmHomeChallenge! |
Join the #GetEmHomeChallenge!Kelly DuerAugust 16, 2018Is there a better feeling in the world than one of your shelter's long-stay animals finding a home? How about the feeling of receiving a grant? What if you could do both? You can, and in this free Maddie's Fund® webcast, you'll find out how! |
e,s | topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20180810 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Drive too fast, foster some kittens. |
#FeelGoodFriday: Drive too fast, foster some kittens.August 10, 2018Which would make your Friday feel better: A speeding ticket, or a kitten? That’s the premise of this cute PSA from the Brevard County, FL, Sheriff’s Office, promoting their foster program for orphaned kittens. A woman was going a little over the speed limit, and an officer pulled her over. He made her an offer… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1034, | |
20180622 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Dog with cancer learns he’s getting adopted |
#FeelGoodFriday: Dog with cancer learns he’s getting adoptedJune 22, 2018This spotted dog had a rough start on life, including an accident that left him injured on the streets. Fortunately, the Maple Woods Veterinary Technician program in Kansas City, MO, took him into their adoption program, where he got all the veterinary care and love he needed. Sadly, he turned out to have cancer with… |
f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20180615 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: For a shelter dog, ‘life’s funny’ |
#FeelGoodFriday: For a shelter dog, ‘life’s funny’June 15, 2018Few cartoonists are as beloved among animal lovers as Patrick McDonnell, the artist behind the comic strip, “MUTTS.” This heartwarming PSA for the Shelter Pet Project was animated from McDonnell’s work by award winning animator Paul Fierlinger. It’s narrated by a lovable pooch named Mike, who found himself in a couple of unexpected situations… including… |
f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20180608 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: 10 signs you’re a crazy cat person |
#FeelGoodFriday: 10 signs you’re a crazy cat personJune 8, 2018Do you have more photos of cats on your phone than people? Do you buy lint rollers in bulk? Do you have so many boxes lying around people might confuse your house for a recycling center? Congratulations! You’re probably a crazy cat person! That’s the scoop from Cat Man Chris, better known as the Dad… |
f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20180510 | Blog | blog | How to increase cat adoptions, improve morale and save money |
How to increase cat adoptions, improve morale and save moneyMay 10, 2018Looking for a way to increase lifesaving and reduce costs? You may want to consider permanently lowering adoption fees. That’s exactly what Maria M. Benham, the then-President and CEO of Dubuque Regional Humane Society in Iowa did. As you’ll learn in their Maddie Talk Reducing Cat Adoption Fees Can Save Lives AND Expenses, the results… |
e,s | topic1034, | |
20180508 | Blog | blog | Study: Most adopters are happy with their new dogs and cats |
Study: Most adopters are happy with their new dogs and catsMay 8, 2018While the pet adoption world is becoming more and more adopter-friendly, concerns about making sure the adoptions are successful still crop up fairly often. A just-published study conducted in an Australian shelter found that most adoptions are successful and most adopters are satisfied with their pet’s behavior, even when the newly-acquired pet was reported to… |
e,f,p,s | topic1034,topic1047, | |
20180406 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Blind kitties playing like bosses |
#FeelGoodFriday: Blind kitties playing like bossesApril 6, 2018Think life as a blind kitty would be hard or depressing? Nah! In fact, life for Petunia and Frito is all about the toys and games — ones that make noise, natch, so they can chase, catch, swat, run, and otherwise get the exercise and enrichment every kitty needs and deserves. Their swanky digs and… |
f,p,s | topic1034,, | |
20180403 | Blog | blog | Softening line between fostering and adoption creates lifesaving opportunities for pets |
Softening line between fostering and adoption creates lifesaving opportunities for petsApril 3, 2018A Virginia animal shelter is in the process of developing an official foster program. In the meantime, they’ve become creative in how they discuss options with potential adopters, staff and volunteers — and are getting more dogs into homes because of it! Dyanna Uchiek is Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator at Chesapeake Animal Services, in Chesapeake,… |
e,f,s | topic1034,topic1004,,, | |
20180329 | Video | video | Cats are Not Small Dogs: Changing the Shelter System to Save More Cats |
Cats are Not Small Dogs: Changing the Shelter System to Save More CatsMonica FrendenMarch 2018A shelter system that was built for dogs is still the model applied to cats. As a result, 70% of cats who enter our nation's shelters each year are killed. What changes do we need to make in our industry, in our programs, and in our communities to change this? |
e,f,s | topic2,topic12,topic46,topic47,topic51,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | cats |
20180329 | Video | video | Creating and Growing a Dog Foster Network |
Creating and Growing a Dog Foster NetworkAnn Lindholm and Kelly DuerMarch 2018With a viable foster program it's possible to begin saving lives and transforming your community to no-kill, even if you don't have a shelter. Learn how to build a successful foster program that can grow with your organization. |
e,p,s | topic2,topic12,topic51,topic91,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20180329 | Video | video | Essentials of Saving Big Dogs |
Essentials of Saving Big DogsKristen Auerbach, Mike Kaviani, Clare CallisonMarch 2018Experts present the essential programs, best practices, and core philosophies needed to start saving the big dogs in your communities. Think of this presentation as the key ingredients needed to move towards and achieve 90% for your community's dogs. |
f,s | topic3,topic15,topic46,topic51,topic52,topic98,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1020,topic1023,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | dogs |
20180329 | Video | video | Every Day, Every Dog - Let Them Play! The Impact of Play Groups |
Every Day, Every Dog - Let Them Play! The Impact of Play GroupsAimee SadlerMarch 2018It's more than just fun and games; play groups save lives! Aimee Sadler, Founder and CEO shares case studies and evidence that playgroups improve the quality of life of dogs and their caretakers. |
s | topic2,topic22,topic52,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1013,topic1015,topic1020,topic1023, | |
20180329 | Video | video | Fighting Fungus: Treat, Foster And Adopt Cats And Kittens With Ringworm |
Fighting Fungus: Treat, Foster And Adopt Cats And Kittens With RingwormKristen HansenMarch 2018Tens of thousands of cats are euthanized each year solely because they have been diagnosed with ringworm. This workshop provides you with information on how to identify, house, and treat cats infected with ringworm. |
s,v | topic3,topic4,topic25,topic28,topic75,topic80,topic83,topic84,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, | cats |
20180329 | Video | video | Get Your Pit Bull-Type Dogs Adopted with the Canine Good Citizen Program |
Get Your Pit Bull-Type Dogs Adopted with the Canine Good Citizen ProgramCarrie MorrisMarch 2018Through a partnership with Best Friends Animal Society, Austin Pets Alive! embarked on a six-month pilot program to test the effectiveness of Canine Good Citizen Training on adoption rates. The results have been jaw-dropping! |
f,s | topic3,topic5,topic13,topic20,topic21,topic23,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1005,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20180329 | Video | video | High Volume Cat Foster Program |
High Volume Cat Foster ProgramAshley MiddletonMarch 2018Fosters often mean the difference between life and death for cats in the shelter. Austin Pets Alive's Cat Foster Manager discuss how to recruit foster homes, place cats in foster, and maintain a foster network. |
f,p,s | topic2,topic12,topic46,topic47,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | cats |
20180329 | Video | video | Hurricane Harvey- Dealing with Distemper in the Midst of a Crisis |
Hurricane Harvey- Dealing with Distemper in the Midst of a CrisisEllen Jefferson, DVM and Carley Faughn, PhDMarch 2018Contagious disease is always a threat to a shelter or rescue group but in the midst of a crisis, when you have make-shift housing and many hands in the pot, it can spread like wildfire. |
s,v | topic4,topic57,topic61,topic80,topic90,topic96,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, | |
20180329 | Video | video | Maddie's Idea Lab: Saving Lives and Spreading Good Ideas |
Maddie's Idea Lab: Saving Lives and Spreading Good IdeasSheila Segurson D'Arpino, DVM, DACVBMarch 2018Maddie's® Idea Lab supports the implementation and assessment of innovative ideas that have a high likelihood of advancing lifesaving of dogs and cats, the utilization of foster care for dogs and cats or animal welfare leadership. Come to this lecture to find out what we've learned and how these ideas are saving lives. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic2,topic24,topic32,topic37,topic42,topic53,topic86,topic97,topic105,topic1028,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1040,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20180329 | Video | video | Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster Presentation |
Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster PresentationCasandra MensingMarch 2018Austin Pets Alive! (APA) has saved over 7,500 neonatal kittens since 2009. In this two-part presentation, you'll learn how to start and build a bottle baby nursery, plus how to create a foster network for neonates. This is part one: How to start and build a bottle baby nursery |
f,s,v | topic3,topic12,topic30,topic35,topic39,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | |
20180329 | Video | video | Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster Presentation - Part 2 |
Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster Presentation - Part 2Gloria HudsonMarch 2018Austin Pets Alive! (APA) has saved over 7,500 neonatal kittens since 2009. In this is a two-part presentation, you'll learn how to start and build a bottle baby nursery, plus how to create a foster network for neonates. This is part two: How to create a foster network for neonates. |
f,s,v | topic3,topic12,topic29,topic30,topic35,topic39,topic47,topic91,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1004,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20180327 | Blog | blog | Study: How shelters can save more senior cats and dogs |
Study: How shelters can save more senior cats and dogsMarch 27, 2018Do you want to get more senior dogs and cats adopted? A new study reports that, to accomplish that goal, animal shelters and rescue organizations need to provide health care to pets already in the shelter, as well as veterinary support to help keep older pets in the homes they already have — whether it’s permanently,… |
e,s,v | topic1034,topic1021,topic1004,topic1008,,,, | |
20180322 | Webcast | webcast | Adult Cat and Kitten Fostering |
Adult Cat and Kitten FosteringJodi Osborne and Christina EllwoodMarch 2018Whether you're looking to start a foster program at your shelter, or give a boost to an already-existing foster program, Maddie's Fund® has a webcast series for you! On Thursday, March 22, 2018, at 9 PM Eastern, Charleston Animal Society Foster and Rescue Coordinators Jodi Osborne and Christina Ellwood will present a free Maddie's Fund webcast, Adult Cat and Kitten Fostering. |
f,s | topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20180308 | Video | video | Canine Parvovirus and Community Outreach |
Canine Parvovirus and Community OutreachPASPCAMarch 2018Canine parvovirus is life threatening, highly contagious and takes a lot of care. ICU-level treatment can be out of reach for financially-challenged dog owners. This video shows dog owners to show them how to medically care for their parvo-afflicted dogs at home, while providing support and office visits at their outpatient care center. |
p,s,v | topic4,topic28,topic41,topic62,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008, | |
20180223 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Shelter cats meet Broadway CATS, and the result is adoption! |
#FeelGoodFriday: Shelter cats meet Broadway CATS, and the result is adoption!February 23, 2018Is there anything you wouldn’t do to help a cat get a great home? How about singing and dancing? On Broadway? Fortunately, you don’t have to, because the cast of CATS, one of the longest-running shows in theater history and the only one about cats, did just that when they teamed up with the Shelter… |
f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20180208 | Blog | blog | How a Heroes and Hounds program can help your long-stay dogs get adopted |
How a Heroes and Hounds program can help your long-stay dogs get adoptedFebruary 8, 2018Did you know that having veterans work with long-stay shelter dogs is a win-win for both veterans and the dogs? That's exactly what Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley (HSTV) discovered when they launched their Heroes and Hounds program, pairing veterans with at-risk dogs who need a little special attention to get ready for adoption.… |
e,f,p,s | topic1034,topic1021,topic1024,, | |
20180131 | Flash | flash | Treatment Station: Training for Care |
Treatment Station: Training for CareFear FreeFebruary 2018Watch this short video on conditioning your foster pet to a treatment station to find out how to best utilize it to help you care for your foster pet. |
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20180126 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Who will #ADOPTABACHELOR, and who will go home? |
#FeelGoodFriday: Who will #ADOPTABACHELOR, and who will go home?January 26, 2018Are you looking for love? Obviously, the answer is to adopt a pet! Are you an animal shelter or rescue organization looking for homes for your pets? Obviously, the answer is to get more people to adopt a pet! It’s a total win-win! And that’s the secret to the guilty pleasure that is the dog… |
p,s | topic1034,topic1043, | |
20180118 | Flash | flash | How to Properly Navigate Adoption Events |
How to Properly Navigate Adoption EventsRebound HoundsJanuary 2018In this short video you will learn some tips for going to adoption events with your foster dog to give your foster exposure to potential adopters. |
f | topic2,topic51,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20180116 | Blog | blog | Cast of Broadways’ CATS sings out for shelter cats: ‘Let the memories begin today!’ |
Cast of Broadways’ CATS sings out for shelter cats: ‘Let the memories begin today!’January 16, 2018It’s easy to believe the stars of Broadways’s fifth longest-running shows ever (and the only one about cats) love cats. After all, without that feline inspiration, the iconic musical and the book of poetry it’s based on wouldn’t exist at all. Now they’ve partnered with the Shelter Pet Project to sing out for shelter cats!… |
p,s | topic1034,topic1043, | |
20180112 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Adopted dogs help their humans make a love connection |
#FeelGoodFriday: Adopted dogs help their humans make a love connectionJanuary 12, 2018A person is the best thing that can happen to a shelter pet — especially when that person’s body language is an endless source of entertainment for the pets! In this classic from The Shelter Pet Project, two adopted dogs observe their humans’ flirtatious encounter in the “People Park,” including his sweet moves and her… |
p,s | topic1034, | |
20180105 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Saving a kitten named Smush |
#FeelGoodFriday: Saving a kitten named SmushJanuary 5, 2018A tiny little kitten with a cleft palate came into a Florida animal control shelter last summer. She wasn’t eating on her own, and needed to be syringe-fed every four hours. She had an upper respiratory infection and a bad case of ringworm. But this is Feel Good Friday, so of course, her story has… |
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20171228 | Blog | blog | This New Year, resolve to start a ‘Dogs Day Out’ program at your animal shelter |
This New Year, resolve to start a ‘Dogs Day Out’ program at your animal shelterDecember 28, 2017A dog named Feathers at Southern Pines Animal Shelter (SPAS) in Mississippi kept getting overlooked by adopters. That is, until she went on a day outing with a volunteer. The organization thought she'd be the perfect dog to trial their new "Dogs Day Out" (DDO) program, and it turns out they were right. "Feathers is… |
e,p,s | topic1034,topic1043, | |
20171221 | Blog | blog | Remembering Roo: Little dog leaves legacy of lifesaving |
Remembering Roo: Little dog leaves legacy of lifesavingDecember 21, 2017A little dog named Roo taught everyone at Maddie’s Fund a lot. She showed us what happens when courage meets compassion, demonstrated the power of taking chances, and wrote a new chapter in the story of saving lives. This valiant dog finished her work on earth this month, and the Maddie’s Fund family mourns her… |
f,p,s,v | topic1034,topic1004,,,,,, | |
20171026 | Blog | blog | How starting from scratch and thinking outside the shelter can get long-stay dogs adopted |
How starting from scratch and thinking outside the shelter can get long-stay dogs adoptedOctober 26, 2017In this guest post, Kelly Duer, Maddie's® Foster Expansion Coordinator at Austin Animal Center, shares how The Ventura County Animal Shelter is getting all of their long-stay dogs adopted. Read the post, and then try some of the creative ideas for yourself! The Ventura County Animal Shelter was in a tight spot: The busiest time… |
s | topic1034,topic1043, | |
20170927 | Blog | blog | Cat Town debuts expanded adoption center to help save Oakland’s most vulnerable cats, Thanks To Maddie! |
Cat Town debuts expanded adoption center to help save Oakland’s most vulnerable cats, Thanks To Maddie!September 27, 2017October is a special month for America's first cat café, Cat Town in Oakland, CA. Not only is it the anniversary month of when they first opened their café space three years ago, but they'll also be celebrating the grand opening of their expanded adoption space! The Grand Opening will take place on Sunday, October… |
e,p,s | topic1034,, | |
20170914 | Webcast | webcast | A Foster Home for Every Pet |
A Foster Home for Every PetKristen AuerbachSeptember 14, 2017Learn how to send adult pets to foster care and reduce costs of care, increase capacity for housing and get pets adopted faster and with better matches between the pet and the adopter. |
e,f,s | topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20170829 | Blog | blog | The truth about free pet adoptions |
The truth about free pet adoptionsAugust 29, 2017Once shunned, no-fee pet adoptions have really come into their own. It was once conventional wisdom in the animal shelter world that pets adopted for free would suffer at the hands of diabolical people lurking in the shadows just waiting to abuse them. Surely, we thought, people who get animals for free don’t value them,… |
e,s | topic1034,, | |
20170829 | Presentation | presentation | Maddie's® Matchmaker Apprenticeship at Austin Pets Alive! |
Maddie's® Matchmaker Apprenticeship at Austin Pets Alive!August 2017Though emphasis on dogs as individuals and a commitment to knowing each dog as thoroughly as they can, Austin Pets Alive! eases the process for potential adopters and is able to find homes for even the most difficult to place dogs. |
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20170828 | Presentation | presentation | Cat Town: Finding Great Homes for Hard to Place Cats |
Cat Town: Finding Great Homes for Hard to Place CatsAugust 2017Listen to Cat Town as they show you what has made them such a success and how you, too, can start a similar program in your community. |
e,s | topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20170822 | Blog | blog | Senior cats may soon outnumber kittens in animal shelters |
Senior cats may soon outnumber kittens in animal sheltersAugust 22, 2017“Ramp up your medical programs for seniors, folks – soon enough you’ll be seeing far more of those than adoption age kittens.” Those words were posted by Karina King, Director of Operations for the Dakin Humane Society, on a Million Cat Challenge discussion forum. For communities at the height of their kitten season, the thought… |
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20170818 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Cat goes from the mean streets to ‘heaven in your lap’ |
#FeelGoodFriday: Cat goes from the mean streets to ‘heaven in your lap’August 18, 2017Imagine being a cold, scared kitty on the streets of a big city… then trapped and taken somewhere you don’t understand. Wait, you say. Isn’t this supposed to be “Feel Good Friday”? Why are you trying to make us cry? Olive’s story is part of a series created by Patrick McDonnell based on his endearing… |
f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20170811 | Video | video | Heroes and Hounds: Innovative Lifesaving on the Home Front |
Heroes and Hounds: Innovative Lifesaving on the Home FrontAmy ButtryAugust 2017Learn about returning veterans who have volunteered for the Heroes and Hounds Program as they work with at-risk dogs who need a little more special attention to get ready for adoption. |
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20170808 | Blog | blog | Resources to save shelter cats’ lives |
Resources to save shelter cats’ livesAugust 8, 2017The Million Cat Challenge is a partnership of Maddie’s Fund®, the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida, and the ASPCA®, formed to help shelters save the lives of 1 million more cats. It is based on five key initiatives which bring forward those approaches that have… |
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20170804 | Video | video | Open Selection: Putting Dogs and Cats on the Fast Track to Adoption |
Open Selection: Putting Dogs and Cats on the Fast Track to AdoptionSarah ByerleyAugust 2017How can you significantly reduce the length of stay for your dog and cat population and place them in quality homes faster? Find out here with an Open Selection program! |
e,s,v | topic2,topic12,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20170728 | Video | video | Vet Pets! |
Vet Pets!Brett FrazierJuly 2017Learn how your shelter or rescue can save more cat and kitten lives through this unique, easy to implement program. |
e,f,s | topic2,topic51,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20170623 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Little three-legged Esther goes from shelter dog to office dog |
#FeelGoodFriday: Little three-legged Esther goes from shelter dog to office dogJune 23, 2017Yikes! This little dog found herself in a shelter with a broken leg that hadn’t set properly. Two days after they amputated her leg, Craig Coryell of Maddie’s Fund® agreed to foster her for “a couple of days.” Care to guess what happened next? Little miss Esther blossomed with Craig, and he realized she was… |
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20170602 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: World-weary cat shares his wisdom with the family’s newly-adopted kitten |
#FeelGoodFriday: World-weary cat shares his wisdom with the family’s newly-adopted kittenJune 2, 2017You’ve adopted a new kitten. How will your adult cat accept the new family member? Maybe things will go well between the little fluffbutt and your adult cat. Maybe not. But the odds would dramatically improve if your older cat could tell the youngster how it is. Share some feline wisdom. Explain how the world… |
p | topic1034, | |
20170531 | Blog | blog | How pets can get adopted without ever going into a shelter |
How pets can get adopted without ever going into a shelterMay 31, 2017What if there was a resource that would allow pets in need of a new home find adopters without ever going into a shelter? Increasingly, there is! When faced with life-altering circumstances, families can find keeping their pets impossible. Although no one who loves their pet wants them to enter a shelter, alternatives can be… |
e,f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20170526 | Blog | blog | #FeelGoodFriday: Dog realizes people are the worst at hide and seek |
#FeelGoodFriday: Dog realizes people are the worst at hide and seekMay 26, 2017This little dog is happy he got adopted. And he’s thrilled to have so many new toys to play with. But he does have one issue with his new mom. See, every day she picks up his toys. Every day she puts them in a basket. Every day, she’s overjoyed that he finds them. And… |
f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20170517 | Blog | blog | Study: Video more effective than photos at getting dogs adopted |
Study: Video more effective than photos at getting dogs adoptedMay 17, 2017Is making a video of a dog in your shelter or rescue group worth the trouble? Absolutely, says a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare. In the study, which was conducted in the UK, 735 people viewed video and photos of four shelter dogs: Two were Staffordshire Terriers, representing dogs who… |
f,s | topic1034, | |
20170502 | Blog | blog | Using foster care to increase lifesaving in large dogs |
Using foster care to increase lifesaving in large dogsMay 2, 2017Can you place medium and large dogs with behavioral problems in foster homes and see their behavior improve? Can those dogs eventually be adopted into permanent homes? And can all of that be done safely? Those were the objectives of a 22-month long study conducted by Fairfax County Animal Shelter in Virginia. The result? A… |
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20170428 | Blog | blog | When a dog loves you, not even a traffic ticket can ruin your #FeelGoodFriday |
When a dog loves you, not even a traffic ticket can ruin your #FeelGoodFridayApril 28, 2017Need a little self-esteem boost? Have doubts about your life choices, wardrobe or looks? Wish you could see yourself through the eyes of love? Los Angeles Animal Services recommends adopting a dog. Traffic officers everywhere agree, in this purely genius pet adoption promotion from 2007. So get out there and adopt, and have a #FeelGoodFriday… |
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20170421 | Blog | blog | Little dog helps big football star have a #FeelGoodFriday — and forever, too! |
Little dog helps big football star have a #FeelGoodFriday — and forever, too!April 21, 2017When the now-Los Angeles Rams were still the St. Louis Rams, star player Rodger Saffold let his soft side show in a heartwarming pet adoption PSA for the Animal Protective Association of Missouri. Co-starring with Saffold was Popeye, a little dog who gave the big guy some advice on acting — and a whole lot… |
f,p,s | topic1034,topic1043, | |
20170413 | Video | video | Reducing Cat Adoption Fees Can Save Lives AND Expenses |
Reducing Cat Adoption Fees Can Save Lives AND ExpensesMaria M. BenhamApril 2017Want to decrease euthanasia rates of cats, increase adoptions, AND save big money in yearly expenses? |
e,s | topic2,topic7,topic12,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20170330 | Blog | blog | Study: Pet store puppies have more aggression, anxiety, and house-soiling problems |
Study: Pet store puppies have more aggression, anxiety, and house-soiling problemsMarch 30, 2017There’s an important tool to help in the fight against puppy mill puppies sold through pet stores: They’re more likely to be aggressive with their owners, strangers and other dogs. They’re also more fearful and suffer more from separation anxiety. In a study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association and led… |
p,s | topic1034,topic1004,topic1005,topic1018,, | |
20170330 | Webcast | webcast | Small Changes, Big Results for Cats |
Small Changes, Big Results for CatsMike Keiley and Bryn Conklin RogersMarch 2017Learn how making a few small, easy-to-implement changes can spiral into more programs, lower intake and decrease euthanasia at an open admission adoption center. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1005,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20170322 | Blog | blog | Once a victim of horrific abuse, a dog named Caitlyn leads the way in saving other animals |
Once a victim of horrific abuse, a dog named Caitlyn leads the way in saving other animalsMarch 22, 2017No matter where you live, you probably remember hearing the heart-wrenching story (and photo) of the staffie-mix dog found with her muzzle taped shut. Her name is Caitlyn and her story of survival went viral, shining a light on animal cruelty. Nearly two years after she was found that day in Charleston, SC, Caitlyn has… |
p | topic1034, | |
20170202 | Blog | blog | One easy way to reduce a pet’s length of stay at your shelter |
One easy way to reduce a pet’s length of stay at your shelterFebruary 2, 2017What can reduce a pet's length of stay in your shelter or rescue from 43 days to 14 days? A great adoption photo. Maddie’s Fund® has just launched Maddie Talks, a series of short (less than 10 minutes) motivational "Ted Talk" like videos created by animal welfare professionals and meant to provide inspiration and equip… |
f,s | topic1034,topic1043,,,, | |
20170131 | Blog | blog | When a kitten dies of FIP, what should shelters do about the rest of the litter? |
When a kitten dies of FIP, what should shelters do about the rest of the litter?January 31, 2017Animal shelters dread it: the death of a single kitten in a litter from feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). How much risk are the littermates at of becoming ill? Should they be kept in isolation from other cats, and if so, for how long? Should they be adopted out? If so, when? And what do you… |
e,s,v | topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1047,,,,,, | |
20170120 | Video | video | Photos of Shelter Pets are Their Voices - Make Them Sing! |
Photos of Shelter Pets are Their Voices - Make Them Sing!Tim YeaglinJanuary 2017Taking a great adoption photograph and giving your homeless pets a voice isn't difficult or time-consuming and doesn't need expensive gear. |
e,f,s | topic2,topic15,topic53,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1043, | |
20170119 | Webcast | webcast | Time to Stop Playing the Breed ID Game |
Time to Stop Playing the Breed ID GameKristen Auerbach and Caitlin QuinnJanuary 2017Ending the guessing game of assigning breed labels to shelter dogs will increase adoptions and make better matches between pets and people. Find out what the research says in this webcast! |
e,s,v | topic1033,topic1034, | |
20161215 | Presentation | presentation | Senior and Hospice Foster Program |
Senior and Hospice Foster ProgramDecember 2016Find out how you can help senior dogs find foster homes and new adoptive homes, as well as providing hospice care through fostering. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic25,topic31,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20161129 | Blog | blog | How joining in the Seventh Annual Celebrate Shelter Pets Day can help more pets find homes |
How joining in the Seventh Annual Celebrate Shelter Pets Day can help more pets find homesNovember 29, 2016People are seven times more likely to adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue group if they know someone who has. Here’s how you can be that someone! Thursday, December 1, 2016, is the Seventh Annual Celebrate Shelter Pets Day, an event started by our funded Shelter Pet Project to get the friends and… |
e,f,p,s | topic1034, | |
20161123 | Blog | blog | What Sherri Franklin’s CNN Hero of the Year nomination means for senior dogs and rescue animals everywhere |
What Sherri Franklin’s CNN Hero of the Year nomination means for senior dogs and rescue animals everywhereNovember 23, 2016When Sherri Franklin started Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, she not only wanted to rescue senior dogs, but also change the way the world perceived and treated them. Just nine short years later, with over 4,200 senior dogs saved, and a nomination for CNN's Hero of the Year award, it's safe to say she's done just that.… |
f,p,s | topic1034,topic1004, | |
20161106 | Presentation | presentation | Reducing Cat Intake |
Reducing Cat IntakeJordan CraigFebruary 2017Learn how the Austin Animal Center (AAC) saves more than 95% of cats. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic2,topic35,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | cats |
20161106 | Presentation | presentation | Hospice for Cats and Dogs |
Hospice for Cats and DogsClara K. Showalter and Jessica MarshFebruary 2017Learn how Austin works to save the last few hard to place seniors through the use of specialized hospice foster homes for dogs and cats. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic25,topic31,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20161106 | Presentation | presentation | No Cat Left Behind: How to Get Special Needs Cats Adopted |
No Cat Left Behind: How to Get Special Needs Cats AdoptedMonica FrendenFebruary 2017Learn how to place special needs cats through innovative programs, marketing, and adopter support. |
e,f,s,v | topic2,topic3,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20161105 | Presentation | presentation | Matchmaking - Working with Adopters and Pets to Increase Adoptions |
Matchmaking - Working with Adopters and Pets to Increase AdoptionsRyan PlunkettFebruary 2017Learn about how this program develops and maintains cutting-edge initiatives aimed at decreasing dog length of stay and improving the success rate of adoptions. |
e,s,v | topic2,topic3,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20161101 | Blog | blog | It may be time to say goodbye to breed labels on all shelter dogs |
It may be time to say goodbye to breed labels on all shelter dogsNovember 1, 2016There’s renewed interest in identifying shelter dogs not by breed but by their physical and personality traits. What’s prompted that, and is it an idea whose time has come? The idea itself isn’t new. Some adoption organizations did away with breed labels long ago, with some simply calling them “All American Shelter Dogs.” In fact,… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1034,topic1021, | |
20161013 | Presentation | presentation | San Francisco SPCA Ringworm Program (SPORE) |
San Francisco SPCA Ringworm Program (SPORE)October 2016Managing ringworm in homeless pet populations is easier than you think, if you're equipped with a plan and the right tools. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20161011 | Blog | blog | The winners of our #ShowUsYourFoster contest have been chosen! |
The winners of our #ShowUsYourFoster contest have been chosen!October 11, 2016We asked and you answered! Thanks to everyone who entered our #ShowUsYourFoster contest. Hundreds of entries poured in, making it that much more difficult for our celebrity judges to choose a winner. So much so that we had to extend the deadline for them, and chose 9 runners-up of both dogs and cats! Drumroll it’s… |
f,p | topic1034,topic1007, | |
20160901 | Webcast | webcast | Innovative Fostering: Saving More Dogs with Behavioral Challenges |
Innovative Fostering: Saving More Dogs with Behavioral ChallengesKristen AuerbachAugust 2016Has your shelter struggled to achieve live outcomes for dogs who display common behavioral challenges like kennel stress, barrier reactivity and fear-based aggression? Learn how you could turn that around and save more dogs lives. |
e,f,s,v | topic2,topic3,topic37,topic46,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | dogs |
20160824 | Blog | blog | Perfectly imperfect senior dog finally meets his match |
Perfectly imperfect senior dog finally meets his matchAugust 24, 2016What's the definition of the perfect dog? Depends on who you ask. But one thing was for sure – I knew I wasn't it. Unless the definition was "an anxious ten year old Jack Russell terrier mix who chases his tail and doesn't get along with other dogs" but I'm smarter than that. It only took… |
f,p,s | topic1034,topic1004,,, | |
20160809 | Blog | blog | Just say no to the ‘conventional wisdom’: Sherri Franklin’s Aha! journey saving senior dogs |
Just say no to the ‘conventional wisdom’: Sherri Franklin’s Aha! journey saving senior dogsAugust 9, 2016How much of the “conventional wisdom” about adoption and foster programs makes sense, and how much of it just keeps your organization from saving as many animals as it could? That was the question on Sherri Franklin’s mind as she first created Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, a San Francisco organization that has saved thousands of… |
f,s | topic1034,topic1021,topic1004,topic1007,,, | |
20160804 | Webcast | webcast | One Shelter's Journey to Save More Feline Lives |
One Shelter's Journey to Save More Feline LivesDr. Cristie KamiyaAugust 2016What real-world difference can the initiatives of the Million Cat Challenge make in an animal shelter? Hear an overview of how implementing those initiatives has impacted their life-saving capacity for cats. |
e,f,s | topic1,topic2,topic25,topic30,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1004, | |
20160729 | Presentation | presentation | Canine Identity Crisis: How Breed Labeling Affects Adoption, Part 1 |
Canine Identity Crisis: How Breed Labeling Affects Adoption, Part 1Lisa Gunter, MAJuly 2016Should we continue to use visual identification if it could have adverse effects on length of stay and adoptions? |
e,s | topic2,topic5,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20160729 | Presentation | presentation | Canine Identity Crisis: How Breed Labeling Affects Adoption, Part 2 |
Canine Identity Crisis: How Breed Labeling Affects Adoption, Part 2Liz FinchJuly 2016Four groundbreaking case studies show that removing labels is a low-cost intervention that could improve outcomes for many, perhaps all, breeds - including pit bulls. |
e,s | topic2,topic5,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20160720 | Blog | blog | From ‘terrible’ dog to therapy dog, Eddie proves he is the least boring dog in the world |
From ‘terrible’ dog to therapy dog, Eddie proves he is the least boring dog in the worldJuly 20, 2016He became famous as “the most terrible dog in the world.” Now he’s a therapy dog. How did that happen? When you're transformed by love, it seems anything is possible. Even for Eddie the Terrible. In celebration of National Anti-boredom Month, we're dubbing Eddie (now Teddy) the least boring dog in the world! Now happy… |
f,p,s | topic1034,topic1043,,, | |
20160628 | Blog | blog | How to make sure adopters are welcome at your shelter or rescue group |
How to make sure adopters are welcome at your shelter or rescue groupJune 28, 2016Are ‘Adopters Welcome’ at your shelter or rescue group? If not, a new DIY action plan can help you get on board with this revolutionary adoption philosophy. Even if they already are, this resource can help you kick it up a notch! The Humane Society of the United States created Adopters Welcome not only to… |
e,s | topic1034,topic1046,topic1038,topic1047,,,, | |
20160623 | Webcast | webcast | Stress Reduction: Happy and Healthy Shelter Dogs |
Stress Reduction: Happy and Healthy Shelter DogsDr. Sara L. BennettJune 2016 Everyone wants to make sheltered life better for dogs while they wait to get adopted. Learn what works and what doesn't in this webcast. |
e,s,v | topic2,topic17,topic22,topic50,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1013,topic1015,topic1004,topic1010, | dogs |
20160602 | Blog | blog | Re-thinking risk: Should we adopt cats to indoor/outdoor homes? |
Re-thinking risk: Should we adopt cats to indoor/outdoor homes?June 2, 2016Should shelters and rescue groups refuse to adopt cats to homes that intend to let the cats go outdoors? Tanya Hilgendorf is president and CEO of the Humane Society of Huron Valley in Ann Arbor, Mich., where she believes the best adoptions happen when you match the right cat to the right home — even… |
e,s | topic1034, | |
20160519 | Webcast | webcast | Stress Reduction: Happy and Healthy Shelter Cats on a Fast Track to Adoption |
Stress Reduction: Happy and Healthy Shelter Cats on a Fast Track to AdoptionDr. Brenda GriffinMay 2016Stress can trigger physical, emotional and behavioral problems for cats in animal shelters. What can be done to help overcome stress and its negative outcomes? |
e,s,v | topic2,topic4,topic17,topic22,topic50,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1013,topic1015,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1010, | cats |
20160519 | Video | video | Maddie Talks: Aha Moments - Inspirational Speakers Getting it Done |
Maddie Talks: Aha Moments - Inspirational Speakers Getting it DoneMay 2016 |
e,s | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic8,topic9,topic11,topic12,topic13,topic32,topic37,topic1038,topic1043,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043, | |
20160324 | Blog | blog | The magic ingredient for success in adopting a puppy mill survivor |
The magic ingredient for success in adopting a puppy mill survivorMarch 24, 2016It’s the most important step you can take to help a newly adopted puppy mill dog adjust, say experts: If you don’t already have one, get another dog. While patience is the quality most needed by puppy mill rescue adopters, research conducted by Dr. Frank McMillan and presented at the University of Florida Maddie’s® Shelter… |
f,p | topic1034,topic1004,topic1005,topic1018, | |
20160324 | Webcast | webcast | Outpatient Parvo Treatment for Dogs |
Outpatient Parvo Treatment for DogsDr. Jeffrey StupineMarch 2016
Learn about the feasibility of treating symptomatic parvovirus dogs in a twice-daily outpatient setting while minimizing the risk of infection to other dogs in a shelter environment. |
e,v | topic25,topic28,topic57,topic58,topic62,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008, | dogs |
20160323 | Blog | blog | Puppy mill survivor takes fashion world by storm |
Puppy mill survivor takes fashion world by stormMarch 23, 2016She’s a dog who “looks like a cute hobo.” She’s the darling of the fashion world. She’s a spokesdog for shelter pet adoption. And she’s a puppy mill survivor. We’re talking about Toast Meets World, the adorable, tongue-lolling, sunglasses-wearning dog who has Instagram eating out of the palm of her paw. When she was suggested… |
p | topic1034,topic1004, | |
20160310 | Blog | blog | Social media help for veterinary practices that are fostering orphaned kittens |
Social media help for veterinary practices that are fostering orphaned kittensMarch 10, 2016Would you like local veterinarians to help foster orphaned kittens for your rescue group or shelter? Would the clinics be more willing to participate if they were offered some PR support? Or are you a veterinary practice that is already fostering kittens, or would like to, but could use some help getting them adopted, as… |
f,p,s | topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1043,,,,, | |
20160229 | Blog | blog | A dog’s-eye view of what ‘Leap Day’ is really all about |
A dog’s-eye view of what ‘Leap Day’ is really all aboutFebruary 29, 2016Want a dog’s-eye view of why they call it Leap Day and not extra day or something like that? I have a theory. As three-legged dog, I’m familiar with the physical act of leaping. But after the past six months, I also know a thing or two about metaphoric leaping. See, I think Leap Day… |
f,p | topic1034,,, | |
20160225 | Blog | blog | May the Force (and social media) be with your pet adoption promotions |
May the Force (and social media) be with your pet adoption promotionsFebruary 25, 2016Can Star Wars excitement get pets adopted? Yes; just ask Kylo Ren Cat. When the Monmouth County SPCA noticed one of its available cats resembled the actor who played villain Kylo Ren in the most recent Star Wars film, they quickly renamed him “Kylo Ren” and hit Instagram with his photo, asking, “Tell me this… |
f,s | topic1034,topic1043,, | |
20160223 | Blog | blog | You might know pit bulls… but you probably don’t. Here’s why |
You might know pit bulls… but you probably don’t. Here’s whyFebruary 23, 2016How well do you think shelter staffers and veterinarians do at identifying dogs who are — or aren’t — the type of dog known as a pit bull? If you said “not too well,” a recent study funded by Maddie’s Fund® and conducted by researchers from the Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Program at the University of… |
e,p,s,v | topic1034, | |
20160223 | Research | research | Community Pet Adoption Survey Results - Foster Caregiver Involvement in Adoption |
Community Pet Adoption Survey Results - Foster Caregiver Involvement in AdoptionFebruary 2016Generally speaking, the model for foster programs has been a period of temporary pet fostering, followed by return of the animal to the shelter for adoption. Although foster caregivers are in a unique position to give insights into pet health and pet behavior in a home environment, foster caregiver involvement in the adoption process has been a fairly new and fairly controversial subject. In this survey report, we examined how often caregivers choose to be involved, to what extent organizations actually allow involvement and more. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic2,topic14,topic91,topic95,topic97,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20160211 | Blog | blog | Hard-luck pup finds true love, #ThanksToMaddie |
Hard-luck pup finds true love, #ThanksToMaddieFebruary 11, 2016Ah, Valentine's Day. You either love it, or you loathe it — am I right? I'll be the first to admit I used loathe it (with a capital L!). But it turns out my true Valentine was named Suzanne. I probably don’t need to, but allow me to introduce myself. I’m Vinny. That’s right, the infamous… |
p | topic1034,topic1004,, | |
20160204 | Webcast | webcast | How Stress is Sabotaging Your Cat Adoption Efforts |
How Stress is Sabotaging Your Cat Adoption EffortsDr. Sheila D'ArpinoFebruary 2016It's well known that cat health is quickly and negatively impacted by stress. But is it also making it harder for them to get adopted? Learn strategies to identify those effects not only in individual cats, but in the entire population of cats in a facility. |
e,s,v | topic2,topic17,topic21,topic22,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1005,topic1011,topic1013,topic1015, | cats |
20160121 | Blog | blog | Pet adoption and the science of cat videos |
Pet adoption and the science of cat videosJanuary 21, 2016Science has spoken: Watching cat videos is good for human health. It reduces stress, boosts energy, and makes us happier. So how can you turn all those positive benefits to getting cats adopted? In an Indiana University Media School press release for a recent study conducted by researcher Jessica Gall Myrick and published in Computers in… |
e,p,s | topic1034,topic1043,, | |
20160114 | Webcast | webcast | How Stress is Sabotaging Your Dog Adoption Efforts |
How Stress is Sabotaging Your Dog Adoption EffortsDr. Sheila D'ArpinoJanuary 2016Are dogs in shelters developing health and behavior problems because of stress? And does that make adoption more difficult and less likely for those pets? Learn to recognize the harmful effects of stress on sheltered dogs, and strategies to alleviate that stress in this free webcast. |
e,s,v | topic2,topic17,topic21,topic22,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1005,topic1011,topic1013,topic1015, | |
20151223 | Blog | blog | This little dog never gave up, and found her home for the holidays! |
This little dog never gave up, and found her home for the holidays!December 23, 2015A little dog who found her home at last shares the true meaning of Christmas Spirit! Is it tough to have the Christmas spirit? Do you sometimes feel a little blue this time of year? If you had asked me this last year, I could have said yes. No one would have blamed me. Waiting… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1034,, | |
20151112 | Blog | blog | Think senior pets can’t adjust to a new home? Expert says to think again! |
Think senior pets can’t adjust to a new home? Expert says to think again!November 12, 2015How likely is it that a senior pet can adapt to ending up in a shelter, being pulled by a rescue group, placed into one or more foster homes, and finally adopted — with a few stops at adoption events long the way? Almost guaranteed, says Sherri Franklin, who’s definitely in a position to know.… |
f,p | topic1034,topic1004,,, | |
20151006 | Blog | blog | Shelters and rescue groups: Is it time to take the fear out of FeLV? |
Shelters and rescue groups: Is it time to take the fear out of FeLV?October 6, 2015Animal organizations have done a pretty good job of destigmatizing FIV-positive cats, and adopters have begun welcoming them into their families in larger numbers than could have been imagined 20 years ago. But cats who test positive for feline leukemia (FeLV) don’t fare as well in the hands of adoption groups. Is it time to… |
topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,,,, | ||
20150929 | Blog | blog | Dog rescued with embedded collar tries to save other dogs from her fate |
Dog rescued with embedded collar tries to save other dogs from her fateSeptember 29, 2015Can a dog who’s had something terrible happen to her not only try to protect herself from that same thing happening in the future, but the other dogs she lives with, too? She can if she’s Casey the Wonderdog! Being in humane work for the past 36 years, I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my… |
topic1034, | ||
20150908 | Blog | blog | Changing how you post ‘urgent’ pets to Facebook gets more lives saved |
Changing how you post ‘urgent’ pets to Facebook gets more lives savedSeptember 8, 2015Is your shelter or rescue group’s “urgent pets” page on Facebook doing more harm than good? That’s what Don Jennings wondered when he took over as Executive Director of San Antonio Pets Alive! (SAPA!), and saw the chaotic, often disruptive nature of the comments on the organization’s “SAPA Urgents and Adoptables” page. “SAPA! was formed… |
topic1034,topic1043,, | ||
20150901 | Blog | blog | Adopting a second cat can make your resident feline happier and healthier |
Adopting a second cat can make your resident feline happier and healthierSeptember 1, 2015September is Happy Healthy Cat Month, and the CATalyst Council wants you to consider heading to the shelter and adopting your solo feline a friend. From the campaign website: Think about getting another cat. Cats are social animals, so you might want to consider visiting the shelter and adopting a another cat. They love to… |
topic1034, | ||
20150512 | Research | research | Maddie's Pet Adoption Days 2014 Adopter Survey Results |
Maddie's Pet Adoption Days 2014 Adopter Survey ResultsMay 2015In December 2014, Maddie’s Fund conducted an online survey that asked adopters who participated in the 2014 Maddie’s® Pet Adoption Days Event about the pet they adopted, the organization they adopted from and their event experience. Maddie’s® Pet Adoption Days has supported the adoptions of more than 31,000 homeless dogs and cats since the program’s inception in 2010. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic2,topic12,topic14,topic53,topic54,topic55,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043, | |
20150505 | Webcast | webcast | Removing Barriers to Adoption: How Evidence, Innovation and Compassion Grow Pet Adoptions |
Removing Barriers to Adoption: How Evidence, Innovation and Compassion Grow Pet AdoptionsCynthia D. Delany and Kelly LeeMay 2015Because people in animal welfare often see terrible things befall pets, and because of genuine concern for the animals, we've sometimes gone overboard in terms of regulating, requiring, constraining, screening and even getting in the way of successful adoptions. |
e,s | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic5,topic6,topic7,topic12,topic13,topic14,topic15,topic50,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1010,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Achieving and Sustaining No-kill in a Medium-sized, Open Admission Shelter |
Achieving and Sustaining No-kill in a Medium-sized, Open Admission ShelterCheryl SchneiderFebruary 2015Learn how Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter in Texas, an open admission shelter, started on their path to no-kill and how they continue to achieve a high save rate every month. |
e | topic1,topic2,topic37,topic38,topic50,topic95,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Beyond Labels: Advocating for all Dogs, with the Love-A-Bull Team - Part 1 |
Beyond Labels: Advocating for all Dogs, with the Love-A-Bull Team - Part 1Leala Ward-VinsonFebruary 2015Take a look into the ways that advocacy on individual and community levels can have a positive impact on treating all dogs equally, eliminating breed-related stigmas, abolishing outdated policies and improving the chances for targeted breeds to find homes and their families access to resources. |
e,s | topic2,topic3,topic5,topic37,topic40,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1030,topic1031,topic1032,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Beyond Labels: Advocating for all Dogs, with the Love-A-Bull Team - Part 3 |
Beyond Labels: Advocating for all Dogs, with the Love-A-Bull Team - Part 3Lindsey OrtizFebruary 2015Take a look into the ways that advocacy on individual and community levels can have a positive impact on treating all dogs equally, eliminating breed-related stigmas, abolishing outdated policies and improving the chances for targeted breeds to find homes and their families access to resources. |
e,s | topic2,topic3,topic5,topic8,topic9,topic10,topic15,topic25,topic37,topic40,topic1038,topic1043,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1030,topic1031,topic1032,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043, | dogs |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Foster Faster: Growing Your Dog Foster Program |
Foster Faster: Growing Your Dog Foster ProgramFaith WrightFebruary 2015Learn how to expand your foster program to save the even harder to place big dogs, often considered "the last 10%". |
e,f,p,s,v | topic2,topic3,topic12,topic25,topic37,topic46,topic51,topic105,topic1028,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Rescuing Dogs from the Euthanasia List |
Rescuing Dogs from the Euthanasia ListPalmer NeuhausFebruary 2015Fifty percent of the dogs in Austin, Texas were dying in 2008 when Austin Pets Alive! began saving lives. The rescue team had merely one- to two-hours to go through the euthanasia list, choose animals and save them before their time was up. Learn how the rescue team evaluated and chose dogs. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic25,topic32,topic33,topic37,topic38,topic41,topic42,topic43,topic51,topic86,topic90,topic91,topic92,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1024,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1024,topic1024,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | dogs |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Getting Big Dogs Out of the Shelter via Canine Good Citizen Training |
Getting Big Dogs Out of the Shelter via Canine Good Citizen TrainingMarian Cannell and Amy LewisFebruary 2015Through a partnership with Best Friends Animal Society, Austin Pets Alive! embarked on a six-month pilot program to test the effectiveness of Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Training on adoption rates. The results have been very good and show a clear adoption rate difference between dogs who undergo training and those who don’t. |
e,s,v | topic2,topic3,topic17,topic20,topic25,topic90,topic92,topic93,topic94,topic97,topic99,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044,topic1001,topic1003,topic1005,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1036,topic1044,topic1044,topic1045, | dogs |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Saving All the Little Dogs: Small Dog Behavior Issues |
Saving All the Little Dogs: Small Dog Behavior IssuesFaith Wright and Deaven WilsonFebruary 2015Do you know how many small breed dogs are euthanized in your community shelter? In Austin, Texas in 2008, it was many more than would have been expected (roughly 500). Do you know that nearly ALL of them can be saved and although many are marked "aggressive", they rarely are? |
e,f,s,v | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1008,topic1011,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1020,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044,topic1045, | dogs |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Saving Parvo Positive Pups |
Saving Parvo Positive PupsKatie Kresek and Alexis Bardzinksi, DVMFebruary 2015Parvovirus is a major killer of dogs and puppies in shelters. Austin Pets Alive! built the first parvo ward that actively takes parvo-positive dogs from the community and other shelters for treatment and then placement. |
e,s,v | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic25,topic28,topic37,topic41,topic57,topic58,topic62,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Effective Dog Marketing for Adoption |
Effective Dog Marketing for AdoptionElizabeth Doyle and Summer HugginsFebruary 2015Marketing dogs, especially hard-to-place dogs, is an art form as well as a systematic process. Learn how to create a winning system utilizing a volunteer force, as well as how to write effectively about those dogs to get adoption applications coming in. |
e,s | topic2,topic3,topic8,topic9,topic11,topic12,topic54,topic55,topic56,topic1038,topic1043,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Medical Treatment for Cats on a Shoestring Budget |
Medical Treatment for Cats on a Shoestring BudgetEllen Jefferson, DVM, and Jordana MoerbeFebruary 2015Austin Pets Alive! Medical Clinic treats thousands of cats a year, many who are straight off of the euthanasia list because of medical conditions such as feline leukemia, FIV, renal disease, hepatic lipidosis, skin problems, viral diseases, and trauma. They save them all and this session is about how they do it. |
e,s,v | topic24,topic25,topic28,topic37,topic41,topic50,topic57,topic58,topic79,topic86,topic88,topic1038,topic1040,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1038,topic1040, | cats |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Creating and Growing a Successful Cat Foster Program |
Creating and Growing a Successful Cat Foster ProgramAshley FerryFebruary 2015Fosters often mean the difference between life and death for cats in the shelter. They are essential in addressing overcrowding issues, shelter behavior problems and providing personalized care for medical conditions. |
e,f,p,s | topic25,topic28,topic30,topic31,topic37,topic46,topic47,topic51,topic86,topic90,topic91,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | cats |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Rescuing Cats from the Euthanasia List |
Rescuing Cats from the Euthanasia ListFrances Flower, PhDFebruary 2015Learn how to create a sustainable rescue program that relies solely on volunteers to assess cats on the euthanasia list and save the most lives it can that are out of other options for a live outcome. |
e,p,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1036,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1045,topic1047, | cats |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | How to Create a Successful Barn Cat Program |
How to Create a Successful Barn Cat ProgramMonica FrendenFebruary 2015Often overlooked for rescue, feral and fractious cats can be saved through a progressive Barn Placement Program and given a new lease on life as working cats. Learn how to start a barn program from scratch. |
e,p,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1008,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1036,topic1044,topic1045, | cats |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | DIY: Building a Nice Cattery on a Shoestring |
DIY: Building a Nice Cattery on a ShoestringBruce Walker, PhD and Bob BreezeFebruary 2015Desperate for cat adoption facilities but not enough funds to get a building? Build out "habitats” in your local pet store or vet clinic! |
e,p,s | topic2,topic14,topic24,topic48,topic86,topic88,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1040,topic1038,topic1039,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1038,topic1040, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | How to Start and Grow a Large Bottle Baby Program in Your Community, Part 1 |
How to Start and Grow a Large Bottle Baby Program in Your Community, Part 1Casandra MensingFebruary 2015In this is a two-part presentation, you’ll learn how to start and build a bottle baby nursery, plus how to create a foster network for neonates. In Part 1, Casandra Mensing will share her experience running APA!’s Nursery, from its meager beginnings to the groundbreaking phenomenon that it is today. |
e,f,p,s | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic25,topic30,topic37,topic46,topic47,topic51,topic86,topic90,topic91,topic92,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | How to Start and Grow a Large Bottle Baby Program Part 2 |
How to Start and Grow a Large Bottle Baby Program Part 2Rachel Sherinian February 2015In this is a two-part presentation, you’ll learn how to start and build a bottle baby nursery, plus how to create a foster network for neonates. In Part 2, Rachel Sherinian will focus In finding, training, and retaining specialized foster families for kittens, whether you have a nursery or not. |
e,f,s | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic25,topic30,topic46,topic47,topic51,topic86,topic90,topic91,topic92,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Taking Troubled Tabbies from Naughty to Nice |
Taking Troubled Tabbies from Naughty to NiceSara Cookson and Kristin Hill February 2015Every rescue encounters troubled cats with issues that go beyond tortitude. The Austin Pet's Alive! Cat Behavior Team will teach you how to prevent behavior problems before they start. |
e,f,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1019,topic1020,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Cat Marketing |
Cat MarketingAshley FerryFebruary 2015There is no more powerful way to get cats adopted than through good marketing. Austin Pets Alive! Cat Marketing Team discusses how to save cats by increasing their chances of adoption. |
e,s | topic2,topic8,topic9,topic10,topic11,topic53,topic54,topic55,topic56,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043, | cats |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Cat Adoptions 2.0 High Volume Cat Adoptions |
Cat Adoptions 2.0 High Volume Cat AdoptionsMonica FrendenFebruary 2015Too many cats, not enough adopters? Supersize your cat adoption program! In this Level 2 seminar, you'll learn how to manage a population of hundreds of cats in varying stages of your organization. |
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1008,topic1020,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1043,topic1044,topic1046, | cats |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | The Adoptline Team: Virtual Frontline of Austin Pets Alive |
The Adoptline Team: Virtual Frontline of Austin Pets AlivePatty Lepley Alexander and Gerri KapplerFebruary 2015Austin Pets Alive!’s (APA) Adoptline Response Team provides email and phone mail responses to inquiries 365 days a year, 14 hours a day and has been critical in increasing APA's adoptions. |
e,p,s | topic2,topic8,topic10,topic53,topic55,topic86,topic90,topic92,topic97,topic99,topic1038,topic1043,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1036,topic1044,topic1036,topic1044,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20141118 | Blog | blog | FIV-positive and FIV-negative cats: A love story |
FIV-positive and FIV-negative cats: A love storyNovember 18, 2014Can FIV+ and FIV- kitties find true love together? You bet! |
f,p,s,v | topic1034,topic1004,topic1008, | |
20140201 | Research | research | Maddie's Pet Adoption Days 2013 Adopter Survey Results |
Maddie's Pet Adoption Days 2013 Adopter Survey ResultsFebruary 2014Maddie's® Pet Adoption Days is the nation's biggest free pet adoption event. Its purpose is to increase awareness of shelter animals, shed light on the tireless efforts of shelters and rescue organizations and find new families for homeless dogs and cats. We surveyed adopters about the pet they adopted, the adoption agency and the 2013 MPAD event. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic2,topic7,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20130501 | Article | article | How to Sell Policymakers on Fee-Waived Adoption |
How to Sell Policymakers on Fee-Waived AdoptionJeannette PetersMay 2013It’s been proven that free pet adoptions save lives, but some communities prohibit the practice. Animal advocates in Alachua County, Florida persuaded their County Commissioners to change their restrictive policy with patience, personal relationships, research and statistics. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic2,topic7,topic37,topic38,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20121101 | Article | article | Free Pet Adoptions: Study Results |
Free Pet Adoptions: Study ResultsNovember 2012The University of Florida surveyed 1,928 adopters from a fee-waived adoption event and concluded that successful adoptions do not require a fee; free adoption promotions can increase adoptions without compromising the quality of a pet's life. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic2,topic7,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20120801 | Article | article | The Truth About Free Cat Adoptions |
The Truth About Free Cat AdoptionsAugust 2012Research has proven that worries about free cat adoptions are unfounded. Now fee-waived adoptions are catching on in animal shelters nationwide. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic2,topic7,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |